Tuesday 21 March 2017

Soulmates: smiles and bores.

Will he cry
When he sees me;
With a deep bore
Devoid of expressions
When on the matrimonial bed
We lay
One warm morn
Face to face,
Twenty years later?

He'll have two eyes;
One that pierces deeply into my soul
Without a word
And another that rather gazes- lovingly
Without words still
Into my eyes.

Would he cry
When his soul I see
Without a word
But he knows
I understand?:
Just when I see- so deep;
His fears and all
That makes him feel
Like a baby and vunerable
But love him anyway?
Far beyond his body?- however great it is.

Would he tell me
I am his mystery;
His soul mate, and soul fit?
Would he tell me
How glad he was he waited
And now has me?

Would he hold me close
Tell me no words still;
-Just his palm gently placed
On mine
When at the table we dine
Full of silence: only
Smiles and bores?

Would he?
'Cos I will.


He is not deaf
He is not dumb
Neither am I.
We speak
We hear;
But more of the soul.
Soul to soul.


There is a stillness in our soul
That makes us hear the inaudible,
A light on our path- divine
That makes us see the invisible,
And a sight somewhere in us- bright
That makes us see each other
In words we can't explain.
We are soulmates;
More than mere partners and room mates.
Our souls hear;
Our souls sees;
Together, we see Him
Who for our sins bled and died.
A three fold cord
Who can break?