Monday 19 June 2017

Waiting: the time in between.

Image result for pictures of someone waiting

Many of us walk around complaining and wondering when exactly our time would come. We whine all through the seasons we find ourselves, especially the unpleasant ones. We seem to forget that not only does all things work together for good for them that love God and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28); but also the fact that nothing just happens.
Take for instance; Jesus our perfect example, He never started His earthly ministry until the age of 30: so what was He doing before then, especially from the age of twelve when we heard a bit about Him to the age of thirty where He began His public ministry? Your guess is as good as mine- He was preparing! Preparing for what? The great future He knew lied ahead of Him!

For some of us, instead of spending virtually all our time complaining bitterly about how we think God has forgotten us and His promised plan for our lives; it would be good to actually and literally get on our knees and seek His face. All the free time you have now that you are complaining about will soon be taken from you, so what would you say is your gain after the season is over?
Newsflash: We are never to leave any season in our lives (good or bad) the exact way we came into it; we are to leave better and stronger because that is what it has come to make us. Most people seem to be on the same level because they've failed to pass their exam: they keep writing the same thing despite failing over and over; they keep complaining and wasting the precious time they are given instead of being grateful, and focusing solely and fully on how the season would advance God's purpose for their lives through careful and diligent preparation.
Another newsflash: You will never get less busy in life. Except for times in between, every season will take you higher than you were the previous time. You're single now? Your marriage season (which usually lasts for a life time) will make you more busy. The more reason why you should maximize every free time and never let them go without making good use of them because sadly and most of the time- time lost hardly ever gets regained.

Remember the children of Israel? At a point in their journey, all they did was complain and murmur; an attitude which made them not only walk a journey of forty days for forty years, but also ended up killing the knowledgeable adults in their midst who should have known better because they saw the miracle of the Lord happen with their two eyes and they witnessed His Great Power and what it can do. In the times of seeming trouble, they refused to count on the faithfulness of the Lord to them in times past, and just like David, they literally failed to remember that the God that brought them out unhurt from the lions and the bears is also very much able and capable to keep them from getting killed by a godless giant.

What am I saying in essence? Maximize all the time you have in between seasons. God knows what He is doing and He has the bigger picture in mind (Jeremiah 29:11- MSG). He's quite aware of the fact that you are currently jobless because He wants you to use that time to grow in Him and in destiny. He knows you are single and He is counting on you to use that period to grow and work more on yourself. He knows where you are per stage and how you feel about your situation, but sometimes in life, it's not just about our feelings, but what we do with our feelings through it all. Jesus didn't want to go the cross, but He went anyway because it wasn't about His feelings and desires, but the purpose in which that season has come to accomplish.

I want you to know that God knows exactly where you are, and He knows exactly what He is doing with your life even when it seems all things are working against you. Maximize all the little time you have in between. As you wait for all God has in store for you, wait well and equipped. Wait prepared and without grumbling or complaining. Wait prepared and grateful knowing fully well that every time in between is a blessing in disguise: a season meant to usher you into a greater season.

The only way you can know what a season in your life has come to accomplish is to stay close to God- the controller of all seasons. Pay close attention to what He reveals and make conscious and diligent effort to work on the instructions given. More so, staying (very) close to God would ensure a joyful transition between the time you are in now, to the season you really want to be. The joy of the Lord serves as our strength. A sad person can do very little, if at all anything; but a joyful person can in fact do all things, because joy, especially heavenly joy produces (so much) strength in us! Nehemiah 8:10.

In your times in-between, choose to wait joyfully, expectantly and perhaps most of all- preparedly. And be rest assured that all (no matter what or how it looks like now) is for a greater good.
Romans 8:22-25(MSG).

Till I come your way again
Much love