Monday 20 April 2015

Addiction (part 1)

It's not unusual these days to see people with addictions. Gone are the days where addiction was attached only to drugs. Today we have many other addictions;- Cigarette, Alcohol, Television (especially with series and season films) and maybe worst of all, pornography.
Now, what is addiction? From experience, I will define addiction as something that takes your time, but you won't lose a thing if finally you decide to let it go. Addiction comes with guilty feelings and all. One could even  be addicted to a human being(!). I guess addiction comes in the case of humans when we virtually can't do without a person. A common 'virus' in new relationships where either or both parties are lonely. They try to get busy by getting engaged with the other party, which unfortunately wears the other individual off at a point in time. Either way, no addiction is healthy.
Additions removes more than it adds to us. Maybe one of these days we will talk more about one of these addictions,especially pornography.
From survey, most of the people running to addiction are running from something. Maybe being alone, getting past some hurtful feelings (i was once in that shoe) and all. Most of the time, addiction comes subtly; it creeps in innocently.
How can we avoid addiction  and break it's yoke from around our necks?

1. Recognise that there is a problem- I guess that might be the first step. If you do not know there is a problem, you might never break free. Solutions are only found to problems.

2. Talking to God about it- Sometimes, some struggles are way beyond us. we know it's wrong, but still we indulge in it because we have no power of our own to break it. I guess a higher power is required to break that which is higher/bigger than us. There is something about taking our problems to God. Strength is released and help is received.

3. Starving the thought- A human being or animal you do not feed does not grow, so also, a thought not fed. When the thought to go back to what you've left comes, focus your attention on something else. You can avoid environments or situations that encourages the addiction.

4. It might not be enough to starve the thought, you might have to fill your mind with new things. You can decide to read books that'll help, tapes or maybe go for seminars. It will be helpful (very) if you fill your mind with things that will help 'fight the battle'. Sometimes, this has to be continuous to avoid going back.

5. Face that issue you are running from- You might have to ask yourself a few questions truthfully. what brought me here? why am I here?... Could remember in my own case, hurt took me there. I overwatched movies to keep myself from thinking/hurting; even when at  many points, the film though interesting, becomes choking. I watched the movie to keep myself busy or sometimes to console myself. be continued


  1. So educative, hmmm always knew that you are going to touch lives positively, keep it up....

    1. Thanks dear. Thank you for your kind words. I believe in you too. Thanks
