Tuesday 21 April 2015

Get Busy!

Going down memory lane, I remember my most vulnerable moment came when I was less busy. A lot of things happened  and I got myself entangled in many messes. Prior to that, I'd been busy and had little or no time for unwanted side attractions. I was firm, bold and tough. but fast forward,I got less busy and the devil struck!
What do I mean by getting busy? Does it mean dusting all the house, cleaning the shelves and bringing out already washed dishes to rewash them? No. What I mean is- get busy doing what you believe you are on earth for.
When we take our eyes off our goals, we not only see obstacles but boredom. We begin to look for avenues to 'kill' the boredom and in the process land ourselves into trouble. When you get busy, you realize the 24 hours you complain about as being long is not even enough.
An idle man they say is the devil's workshop; getting busy reduces negative and wrong thoughts. It also slides off wrong associations, because I tell you, some friends will not be able to keep up
with you when you get busy. They will see you as being too serious, being boring, because they are yet to find and face their own purpose. My dear life is serious! If a friend constantly tells you you are too serious about life in the process of pursuing your life's assignment, believe me, you don't need such friend!
Getting busy means going after purpose with every breath in you, obstacles not withstanding. When indeed you know why you are on earth and have an idea of what to do, getting busy will be fun to you, even though a lot of discipline and sacrifice will be involved. When you get busy,rest will be sweet afterwards.
What raises the hair on your neck? what brings joy and fulfilment to you, such that you never notice the sun set even when you started at noon? Get busy doing it. Get busy preparing for the future you dream of. Preparation sloughs your dreams into reality.
As you wait for that greatness, get busy!

N.B- A little hint on how to get busy
Focus on your ability and develop it, such that it will be usable and presentable in high places.
Get  busy working on your character and etiquettes, based on how far you see yourself going. Get yourself prepared for where you see yourself in the nearest future.


  1. Hmmm, inspiring..... What a wonderful piece. God bless the soul writer. It is always a good thing to get busy cos an idle hand is the devil's workshop.
