Thursday 23 April 2015

Help! I've lost control!!!

There are times in life when everything tends to spin out of control. You are faced with many life questions but little or no solution. Such times,the little solution you manage to come up with is rendered invalid by the issues staring hard at you. At such times, what should be done?
The natural response is worry. You worry not because you want to worry, but because it just shows up. You become so afraid of what could be. The future you had planned for all your life with deep assurance suddenly looks bleak, now that you appear closer. There's no mum, dad or friend to help you as it is a personal issue- deep beyond explanation. You seem entangled. Again, what do you do?
Well, first of all, the first thing to do might be to eliminate worry. Worrying is like a rocking chair that takes you back and forth with no real movement and in time, leaves you tired and exhausted with nothing achieved.
Secondly, when something is higher than you, the wisest thing to do might be to take it to somebody higher and greater, somebody who without a doubt understands the disturbing innermost cry and sees it just the way it is, even without an explanation. God.
That is what I do at such times. Times when it's just me and my thought and everything looks so confusing, uncertain and may be embarrassing. God is the Wisest Being and He has proven True over time. He's been around for decades and centuries; That is why He is referred to as the Ancient of days.
At such times, your answer might just be a prayer away. First, He gives you peace, then Assurance through His Word and lastly His Guidance and Help follows.

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