Wednesday 11 April 2018

Now That You Are Grown

It’s been a long long while; almost a year. Don’t know if to say happy new year, or happy new month, perhaps happy new week, or most recently- Happy new day *smiles*. Either way, I hope you do forgive me for being away for that long, God willing, I hope to get better at posting this season; far better than before.

While away for that long, more than ever, I have come to realize a couple of things – things about life, myself, my past, present and future that over time God willing, I would be putting up on the blog as lessons and learning points. But before then, let me welcome us all (you and I, because we have been so far away from each other- thanks to the ‘sleeping pill’ I swallowed for almost a year; the last time I posted being 31st of August 2017) with a post I posted on Instagram and a great mentor of mine prompted me to share. Here:

“No doubt sometimes as a child growing up, we experience the stifling of our hearts, minds and arts, and sadly those memories hunt us for a long time, making us feel odd sometimes and act in awkward ways in the crowd.
But then, growing up, I realized 2 things

1. What you went through as a child to an extent was never about you, but your parents/guardians trying to keep their sanity. They shouted at you not because you were wrong for singing happily and dancing happily, but because they were tired and needed rest and shouting on you was the only way they could stop you.  It had nothing to do with your brilliance.
2. A mother eagle gives birth, causes the eaglet to fly the way it understands, then with time, leaves it to soar. The eaglet refusing to soar is not the mother's fault- but the eaglet now turned eagle's mental state. In as much as the eaglet might not have been thought how to soar in the way it would have loved, the subtle truth is that the eaglet is now grown and can choose and learn its own way of flight and as a result, unlearn how it was taught that it hated/hinders its now found way of flight.

As an adult, choose to be free. Reborn yourself in such a way that would free your true and real being. Do your best to erase thoughts pulling you down and give yourself permission to fly and soar like only you can.

*Note- I'm not trying to play down on childhood trauma, some people had it worse, I'm only saying we can rise above it if we choose to and the first step to rising is not only desiring it but actually pursuing it no matter how long it takes. Some wounds could be deep but time and knowledge heals all wounds. And if you want to cheat nature and heal faster, you can try healing up with Jesus- I promise you, it works.”

With time, we may dig more into these dynamics, as a part of the thoughts keeping me literally awake more than ever these days.  Before then, try to enjoy the weather and perhaps the personal season you are in all you can because seasons I promise you- are not always forever. I miss you all and it’s great to have you back. See you soon and much love.

Picture Credit:

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