Wednesday 6 November 2019

What Is The One Thing That Should Remain When Your Dream Fails?

Now in my 30s, I realize that as a younger individual, it is much more easier to dream and have all the faith in the world. But then, as one progresses in life and experiences myriad of failures and disappointments, the zeal in some ways begin to go down, and we begin to tell ourselves “I’m taking it easy on life”, when in actual fact, we are actually giving up and taking life as it comes- good or bad. 

In as much as taking life as it comes to an extent might not be a bad idea (as for real, all our dreams would not come true verbatim i.e as we wrote/dreamt them); we must know when to allow life take its course, and also when to stand our ground, disallowing it to dictate everything that happens to us. For majority of the time, if we allow life to always have its way, we’ll never amount to anything. Imagine an Isaac Newton never striving to become anything significant asides the occupation of a farmer it appeared life had thrown at him? Especially such his mother thought was best for him? Or someone like Abraham Lincoln, saying,- ‘ok, I’ve tried being elected into the post of a president a couple of times, now I’ll try no more. I’ll just keep being the lawyer life has made me to be.’?
No doubt, we must sometimes prepare ourselves to live a little space for life to happen in its own way, we must not withstanding not let go of one paramount thing through it all- our zeal.
Zeal is one thing we tend to lose as we grow older, because life in some ways has a way of ‘sucking’ our primal zeal till we are left with the choice to keep refilling per time, or simply give up. But then, majority of the time, we choose the later because refilling our zeal/passion takes everything in us. It takes a lot of determination and pursuit never to give on the things we desire and know deep down we should become. This brings me to one question- what do you do when your dream fails? And not just when it fails, but when it fails over and over again? Just what do you do?
Having been through the phase and still passing through it, one thing I would say (which is the bedrock if you ask me) is- Never give up on hope. You may lose everything, but never give up on hope. Because hope, is like a single burning coal that can ignite fire when brought close to dry and cold coals. Hope is that thing that should never leave us no matter how little we have left per time. With hope, we can always find the courage to try again, think our situations through and search in deep within us to know if to try again with the past method, add some more or things, or totally let go of the idea to give something else a trial. Hope, is that thread that hangs us on even when all things around us are falling.
Times we need to change our ways to make our dreams happen, hope is that thing that would nudge us and give us the courage to start all over again knowing with faith that all things would be fine in the end. It is that that makes us enlarge/change our networks/relationships if need be, makes us attend conferences that’ll help us in our pursuit, as well as give room for others to assist us (as no one tree makes up a forest), and also makes us assist other people either as an act of kindness or learning.
In some ways, things will always go wrong as it were, but one thing that would keep us going and steady, is hope. Hope is the bedrock of all we ever want to be. It is that coal, that fire that must never die. For when hope is gone, everything is gone and all we’ll become would be walking zombies, doing things to pass out time while we await death, which my friends- is a scary way to live. As a result, never give your hope a chance to die, whatever it would take. Keep it alive always, no matter the efforts required. Do not acquiesce with life. Keep going. Keep moving. And take hope along. Endeavour to make it your best friend, as close to you as your own shadow.

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