Wednesday 11 December 2019

Lessons Life Has Taught Me: Handling Phases, Seasons and Issues.

Being someone with a baby face as it were, before now, I’d thought that if I attain a certain phase of life, a jolt of respect or honour as it were would be attached to my name, especially my face. But then, now at the phase I’d always thought there would be a difference regarding some things in my life, especially such that would ‘invalidate’ my baby face, I found myself to be struggling with the same thing I was struggling with initially before attaining the phase I am right now. 

Life being what it is- a place full of cycles of joy, as well as cycles of issues, coupled with my experiences over time, especially this new one, I would plead with us all (myself inclusive) to seek for immediate solution to a problem once it arises, instead of procrastinating and like me, looking forward to a phase, thinking the phase would erase such problem.
Another thing I have realized about life is that- Garbage in, Garbage out. Life is lived from the inside (inside-out). And no level no matter what holds the key to our total transformation without us working on things on the inside in the first place. Someone with a low self esteem will suddenly not be fixed when money comes, no matter the abundance. If the low self esteem cannot be dealt with without money, having money would make it worse, though in a different dimension. The low self esteem present would only change position, moving from one state/phase to another. As a result, the individual would be taking decisions from a very wrong place on the inside, due to the low self esteem and the attempt to use money as a cover up.
One other thing I have learnt about phases, seasons and issues undealt with is that- nothing on earth can define you, especially in a way that would bring freedom and originality. As one of our guest writers- Adeteju Adeniran once said on the blog- our identity should not be tied to something ephemeral, but something eternal and of much greater value than anything that can be found on the earth, even ourselves (paraphrased). Once this is achieved comes contentment, as well as the will to face things as they come instead of procrastinating it and leaving it till another season as though the new season has automatic eraser in its bosom that would make it all go away without a single effort applied.
In the end, when it comes to life, especially things that happens on the inside, nothing goes on its own. Issues go because we deal with them, not because we procrastinate and leave them till another season. Any undealt with issue would only change form with a new season, and as a result, aggravate beyond what it was in the last season. As a result, let us deal with our issues, so we can enter each new level with freshness, wholeness and new might.
How do we deal with issues you ask me? God willing, it could form a topic for our next discussion.
See you next week by His Grace.

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  1. I struggled with low self esteem for a very long time and I traced its origin from my poor family background. My victory started when suddenly I realized that no one can chooses his family nor origin. I learned to accept myself the way I am and also the word of God that I took delight on brought me out of my complex problem. A major issue in my life was speech impairment (stammering) imagine having such communication disability as a growing child but God saw me through. First He saved me and put His word on my lips and sent me as a messenger. I started preaching the gospel in all the campuses I attended and on the streets of which I have embraced as a calling in my life,now there is no trace of stammering in me and I can boldly stand up anywhere to speak and preach the word of God as the Holy Spirit would have me do. Today I appreciate that God took that major challenge out of my life and gave me the boldness of a lion.
    I am supporting our soul writer to encourage everyone that every issue in our lives has a solution with our maker only allow Him do His works in you

    1. Preach sister! Awesome testimony. Great to know what God has done.

  2. This is really for me, my line when I am about to procrastinate is "when we get to that bridge we will cross" (covers face) and here's the thing, pushing things forward will never make it go away. Same way when we have issues, underlying issues that we should deal with, we shy away from them, and the longer they linger, the more vicious they become.
    We all have our personal struggles it could range from low self esteem to uncontrolled anger, whatever it is-we should deal with it/them now before they deal with us later.

    Thanks for this reminder dear Soul Writer. It's a personal call for me to look into my closet and "sort" myself, God helping me.

  3. Hmmmmm, @"the longer they linger, the more vicious they become". Very true.

    Thanks sis. Guess it's a wake up call for us all- to look into our closets.
