Tuesday 18 April 2017

Let’s talk about marriage!

One, two, three- go! So let’s talk about marriage! And while we talk, be slow to call me crazy. It’s just the way I see it, and I think it might help you get your pillow less soaked with tears. Shall we? It’s going to be some minutes of hard and frank talk. Grab your timer and- let’s go!

Why cry and weep about marriage? Is that the essence of who you are, or what totally you are called to do??? You are not your body no matter its tantrums and efforts to own you. You are a spirit trapped in a body- your body- with an assignment to do for a limited time. Your main goal is your mandate- the assignment you were given to do by God, and all other things are comforts/aids to help you in your assignment, including marriage.

To be married is to have the privilege of having an earthly member like you on the same ship with you- a companion that eases your tension, adds to you and helps you in your God-given mission; and vice versa. Marriage is more than sex: it is divine partnership for divine assignment.

You are no lesser because you are not married (yet). Clamoring strictly on marriage is you missing the reason for your existence. Don’t get me wrong- marriage is good, but it’s not all there is about you or your life. You are more than your desires and raging hormones. Which is not to say that sex is the only reason why we desire marriage.

My advice for singles waiting on God for marriage would be: Stay close and content with God. Ask and praise. Do your own part of preparation, and at the right time- just when the time is right, He will give you your partner- the partner He deems fit for the work He has called you to do. Marriage is the ‘yoking’ of two souls together for the sole purpose of destiny just as two oxen are equally yoked together to bring about effectiveness on farmlands. Marriage is having a lifelong, trustworthy partner that will be with you for a lifetime and help in the fulfillment of your dreams. Wait for God all the way all through your life’s journey and while you wait in every phase, make Matthew 6:33 your watchword.

And lastly: before you say yes, consider from deep within what the usefulness and the results of you two being together will be- the impact it will have on the quality of your lives, your generation, and the world at large.

Till I come your way again- Stay Blessed and thoughtful.

Eniola Olaosebikan.


  1. It's true marriage is not the essence of who we are and our bodies are only containers given to us to help us fulfill our God-given tasks. I really learnt a lot from your piece about marriage Eniola Olaosibekan. And your advice for singles waiting for God would be to stay close and content with God. It's also a nice one so are you single eniola "smiles" lolz https://www.melonroad.com/top-ten-reasons-why-men-cheat/

    1. Thanks Gerald. Good to know you were blessed as much as I was.
