Wednesday 19 December 2018

Making The World A Better Place (Sequel)

Continuing from where we stopped last week- talking about the world being in cycle and we needing ourselves in many ways not only to survive but to ensure the existence of great virtues by making what goes around come around so to say.  The world becoming the great place we imagine it to be is a function of us all expressing our gifts and talents in ways and mediums we know how best.  

The world would indeed be better if we seek not to consume alone, but also create, If we choose not to take alone, but also give; children in desert areas would have been taken care of through both acts of kindness and more efficient means of technology. Our love for comfort zones and perhaps excessive pleasure explains why not just us are the way we are, but also why the world is still the way it is and those precious kids are still where they are- somewhere in the helpless desert hurt and sickly. Some vaccines as well would have been discovered to combat some more diseases effectively, but alas, we all are caught up in the hustle and bustles of life as it were. Perhaps the one that is meant to have been the inventor of that the world needs so desperately is stuck somewhere in his comfort zone with an oil job, or perhaps that of a bank and is unwilling to follow his ordained path despite the daily nudgings of his heart and the willingness of his intuition to serve as a basic guide along the way.

The ‘risk’ we take to be who we should be not only affects us, but also those around us we know now or for some reasons do not know yet. One thing that strikes me about Mo Abudu’s story is her willingness to leave the familiar for the unfamiliar. She left an oil job(!), first to face her own HR company which is perhaps commendable, but then to go into the world of media which she has never been!- that my friend, is highly commendable. Who does that? I must have imagined what would have played in her head- the fear of being in a brand-new terrain, fear of starting from the scratch, fear of ‘what if I fail’ and the likes, but in some ways, her persistence paid off and now, we have someone from Africa taking Africa to the world and changing the sickly narrative foreign media tells about Africa. Not only that, we also have someone making African movies stand tall on the world’s shelf with admiration and bewilderment.

One way to find our place on the face of the earth is to pay attention to the things that hurts us as well as the things that it’s absence always makes us cry on the inside. Paying attention to ourselves and our state of mind per time can point us to our primary area of calling. That way, compassion instead of sole pleasure or hanging on to survival mode can rule and guide our decisions and we would find ourselves caring for people through the pursuits of our inventions and the services we have to give to the world. Besides, the ‘more’ we seek that sometimes makes us stay put in our comfort zone can always be found in following our dreams. Over time, being in the fullness of our dream would always find us living the life we desire. Yes, the beginning might be rough, but with the fullness of it comes the life we want, as well as the world the world would have desired through us. In essence, following through with our dream is a two-way street: it benefits us and the world at large.
Oprah Winfrey with some of the 'girls' she trains in her academy

The world being a whole big puzzle, God sends us down piece by piece, bit by bit such that as we do our part as sent, the world becomes a better place. If everyone sent to the world actually fulfills their quota, we all would be in a better place and space. The resultant effect of the world not being what it was created to be is not farfetched from the choices we make as individuals. This is because we all get to the earth and over time, something else takes our priority. Instead of being consumed in that that burns beautifully on the inside of us, we either seek hard after pleasure or compare ourselves to one another such that makes us lose the fervor of going after our own dreams and becoming that which we were meant to be. We procrastinate as well, putting till tomorrow what we know we can do today thinking we have all the time in the world. We also become so concerned with self-preservation such as what to wear, what to drink and what to eat such that chokes away our dream and the urge/persistence to fight for it.

Our lives as humans usually unfolded in phases, the fear of new beginnings per time makes us stay put in our old phases (our comfort zones), relishing the success it has brought over time, and that we still think it would bring. We are often time afraid to step out into the new because we do not know what to expect, as well an overall view of the eventual phase. As a result, we acquiesce to life all we can till finally we wake up and we are eighty and retiring. We fail to know that if certainty is all we live for, our lives will never have a meaning, because at some points in life, we have to jump. We have to jump with all hope of being caught and times when we seem not caught, we have to be willing to start from where we are. Starting all over could be intimidating and challenging, but if well planned and followed as laid down by our intuition, we would find ourselves sooner enough soaring with wings as with eagles.

Food for thought: How would the world be like when instead of drunken and abusive fathers, we have inventors, heartfelt engineers and the likes, and in the place of Aso Ebi and excessive fun seeking mothers, we have doctors, lawyers, media gurus and the likes? The world would indeed be a better place if we all fall into our place and stop floating in places we are not wanted or we shouldn’t even be in the first place- work places we go in tears and never out of love, friends we have that holds us back but we keep for status reasons, etc.

Our children as a matter of fact would be safer because there would be no child molester or serial rapist because everybody someway somehow would be busy contributing their quotas positively to the world instead of devising evil means to hurt other people. How lovely would the world be if everybody were focused on their lives as though we had exams the next day? Everyone would not only be busy doing what they were called to do, but also have little time for frivolities. Well, someone might say the world would be boring if we all are to get busy, but then what if lack of self-fulfillment is what make people while away time finding what is not lost in the first place? I once heard someone say- “if you never find fulfillment within yourself as an individual, you will never find fulfilment in the things you do outside of yourself”. In other words, the highest form of fun would be the one we find within ourselves- the fun we find on the path to being who we are called to be. The wholeness destiny brings is fun on its own- think about it.  

Photo Credit: Google Image

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  1. This part of your article is so true and the principle has changed mylife. ''We fail to know that if certainty is all we live for, our lives will never have a meaning, because at some points in life, we have to jump. We have to jump with all hope of being caught and times when we seem not caught, we have to be willing to start from where we are. Starting all over could be intimidating and challenging, but if well planned and followed as laid down by our intuition, we would find ourselves sooner enough soaring with wings as with eagles.''.....Permit me to share my personal experience as regards this principle. I was on a job for 2years (2016-2018) but resigned May, 2018. Not because of the pay, but because the management does not have plans for staff growth/trainings. I was out of the job for 6months between May-November. During this 'tough time', survival was a tough thing, but i was committed to reading and personally developing myself in my career. Fortunately, i got another job with a company that value staff training, and the pay is 120% times the previous one. Oftentimes, jumping to the next step takes courage, patience and determination. It would not be a easy decision, but it will worth it at the long run.

    Thanks for the article. @ Eniola Olaosebikan

    1. Good to know Mr. Bayo; congrats on your new job. A million thanks.
