Wednesday 26 December 2018

2018- What A Year!

If this happened to be a journal and I am to write all the things that happened to me in 2018, I would sure have been needing tons and tons of pages. This because a whole lot happened, including some exciting news I hope to share with you in 2019 God willing (which already makes me all giddy just on the mere thought/mention of it!) and obviously some not too good things which through Grace I’ve converted to lessons and wisdom.

But then, in the midst of all the great stuffs that happened, including the lessons that I have (invariably) learnt, one thing seems to ring and ring in my head- a question that fills me with much depth and at such, consumes my very being, and the question is- what do I have left?

This question I guess keeps ringing a bell because of the turbulence at some point it seems my year became filled with. I faced a number of things that made me feel I had nothing left, and at that- had no hope whatsoever. 2018- especially the mid/later part, things got so intense with me emotionally that it took only God’s Grace and the help and love of people around me to keep me grounded on my feet (that’s why in life, you can’t do without a team of awesome people around you).

But then, standing here as though on a mountain and looking back (down) at 2018 from the angle of reminiscence (despite the few days remaining), I realized that every single thing that happened to me was for a purpose- they served as the cements and stones mixed with my gravel to produce a solid foundation for which my life’s destiny would be based on. And now, with one hand on my chest and the other one raised to God (for the Grace He endowed me with during the phase), I can boldly say I know much better, even though there are of course more things to learn (as this is life and we never stop learning either through the books, people’s lives or experience itself).

I can boldly stand on the mountain top with frantic breeze of victory blowing through me and look happily at what I have left with a resolve to do all I can with it, heartily forgetting such things I have lost. As a result- focus I would say is one thing I have to bring into 2019, not as a new year resolution, but as an all-time life realization. 2018 has taught me to release the bad and press into the good to create something spectacular that would pass for brand new. Hence me focusing on that which I have left and can use, instead of that I do not possess again and have lost.

Speaking of what I have left, God tops my list (believe me, if in the midst of all that is lost you have God left, trust me- you have everything), an active breath and sound mind, the willingness to work amidst many other things - which already is enough, even more than enough, to start/work with.
So my question to you as echoed all through this straight from the heart piece is- what do you have left? Whatever those things are (or that thing as the case may be is)- Give the praise to God and match valiantly into 2019 with it. Match in with your health, your breath, your great friends gained, your skills discovered (or remaining as the case may be), and much more. Walk in gallantly like a soldier who has fought many great wars and won and is returning home- and welcome the new year with such joy, hope and expectancy, especially such that puts both your remnant and resolve to work.

Much love and Happy New Year in advance.

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Instagram: cream_legend
Twitter:     TheEniolaO
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