Wednesday 2 January 2019

One Thing That Is Needful

I bet you have heard people say countless of time that ‘adulting’ is hard. It’s the period in which everything once free becomes priced; the period which you get to begin to appreciate the beauty of giving- especially such that your parents gave to you unconditionally: the education, care, self-denial on their part and all. But then, above the whole ‘adulting’ thing, one thing I have come to discover more than ever as the one thing that is needful, especially such that makes us find our balance as meaningful adults, as well as one essential crux to the successful adult we long to be is- Hard work.

Hard and focused work is the gap between where we are, and where we want to be. No doubt, some other factors such as integrity, diligence, and what have you comes to play, but there is nothing such as hard work. The more I grow in life, the more I realize the importance of it, and the fact that there is no substitute- big or small for it. Perhaps it’s one thing that makes being an adult hard because as a child, all we ever did was get and get without putting in the exact hard work required as it were.

A while back on Instagram, I saw an Instagram video showing Ayo Makun singing and rapping to some song of sorts. Back in the video, one could literally see his bones, especially his neck as it were all out, such that at the top of the video, it was written “this cannot be AY”, but then, fortunately or unfortunately, he was the one. What brought him to where he is now? Hard work- hard work in the right and focused direction.

Quite ironic to an extent is the fact that we unconsciously think that successful people just ‘appear’ from nowhere, without putting into consideration the fact they’ve been working and laboring literally all day long before the spotlight shined on them. We see the glamour, they see the work and sometimes the time it took. You never know how much hard work success requires until you are well on the path and you discover that it actually requires much more than you thought it would. Success/growing up requires our all: our will, determination, grits and all.

The right kind of hard work requires us identifying our core and giving our knowledgeable best and all to it. My charge to us all (myself inclusive) would be to sit down and count our cost so we would know the kind of hard work the course we are pursuing/want to pursue requires, even while leaving room for more as most times along the way, more hard work is usually needed.

In this new year- 2019, it will be great to literally bury everything we are doggedly into the course we believe in, so we can have a much more different result from our previous years. As well, it will be great to lose all our fears and put on our garment of courage, because in as much as hard work is needed, the need for courage will also pop up at some points in time; the courage to connect with the people we must connect with (no matter how far away they seem), as well as the courage to take the exact and bold steps needed along the way (as we bury ourselves into what we know and believe God would have us do per time in year 2019). To be all we should, we must be able to give all we can.

Before I go, being the first very (Wednesday) post, and the second day of the virgin year- I would like to wish us all a happy new year and a joyful and prosperous year ahead. Let’s all have fun unwrapping with hard work, patience, grits and courage, all the year has for us.

From me to you- a kind and warm Regards.

Photo Credit:         Google Image
                                 AY Comedian- Facebook
Video link Credit: @AY Comedian Instagram

Connect with me on social media

Facebook:   Eniola Olaosebikan
Instagram: cream_legend
Twitter:     TheEniolaO
LinkedIn: Eniola Olaosebikan



  1. I suppose hard work and smart work should go together in this present age.

    1. I couldn't agree more. That is why the article mentioned things like-

      "Hard and focused work is the gap between where we are, and where we want to be..." and also

      "The right kind of hard work requires us identifying our core and giving our knowledgeable best and all to it"

      Which both signifies smart work knowing fully well that hard work without a direct focus equals mere manual labour, and not smart work, as it should be.

      Thank you for the observation, our blog appreciates you.
