Wednesday 9 January 2019

What's In A name?

I've had a number of people wonder about certain things, especially about the reality of such we would mention today. To do this, I would be using a couple of examples, both in the past and also in the present as given away by our theme picture- the one featuring Lady Gaga and the Queen of England. As a result, I would indulge you to take a ride with me (a pleasurable ride I promise), as I theoretically give a few preambles before introducing the topic as a scholar, and not as a religious person. So, here we go; let's all hop on the ride:

Sometimes ago, I read a book trying to understand how a particular truth came to be. With the Author's inability to understand the phenomenon, came the eagerness to dismiss the truth as a fallacy. This she did by dumbing down the truth- an easy way of escape for her most likely because she had tried so hard to figure it out on her own with no reasonable/progressive success. But then, one thing remains- the inability of us to see the wind as a physical and directly touchable entity does not discredit its existence; likewise the air we breathe in.

With the above opening picture, one thing comes to mind, what if Lady Gaga actually married into into the royal family? What could have happened? Many things I guess, but one major thing would be that she would have a new identity, her past not withstanding. With time, even though we try to criticize her based on her past, she would become a more respectable figure, instead of the controversial figure she has in some ways grown to be. Why? Because of her new name and status. Her past as a matter of fact becomes irrelevant. Her new status and name automatically gives her a new beginning- one respect worthy and more welcoming. Anywhere she goes as a result for an official assignment, she becomes taken serious and respected.

Why am I saying all these? It's because of the Name of Jesus, and the act of being born again. The fact that people can't explain how the death of one man can bring about and do so many things. But then, think this, back in the day, when a certain village in Africa for instance has an issue, and they consult an oracle, most of the time, they are usually told to sacrifice a human being, in most cases a virgin to bring about peace and stability in the village once again, and someway somehow, especially for the time being, after the sacrifice, everything on the instant seemingly becomes all good again, all due to the death/sacrifice of this single being.

In a similar (though more glorious way), the death of Jesus brings about a ransome for the whole world, for as many that believes in Him, and as a matter of fact, just like the idea of Lady Gaga marrying into a royal family, His Name which we now bear, gives us an exceedingly brand new start, devoid of all the things seen or termed as wrong we have done. We become brand new, acceptable and respected, and the things those who would not see us that way say, would not count, because for all that matters, we are all brand new, different from whoever did all the controversial things in the beginning; all because we (now) have a new name.

I just thought to share this phenomenon, to aid us both- Believers and non-Believers, and give us a better understanding of what happens when these things are mentioned. So perhaps, if you may, see this as a term paper expatiating things based on past theories and believes, as well as new and existing ones. Thank you for reading, and till In come your way again, remain blessed and enlightened. Much love.

Photo Credit- Google Image

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                   Soul Writer

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  1. Beautiful write up.... Your words ministers to my soul. Make God continue to enlarge your coast.

  2. Replies
    1. A very Happy New Year to you. Thank you for being a great fan of our blog. We value and appreciate you.
