Wednesday 28 August 2019

Life And Moments...

Was listening to Matthew West’s song- beautiful things we miss- and memories came to me and I started dancing, singing and feeling the song right from my soul. A lot of memories came to me, and just like someone close to me posted on her Instagram page yesterday, I realized more than ever that life is indeed made of moments. Sometimes we have them good, a few times, we have them bad, but it never changes a thing- life is the accumulation of all the moments we’ve had and will ever have.

A reflection of this made me remember an article I once wrote for Bella Naija. Re-reading the article made me want to share, especially for the new depth and insight I just gained from it. While life is made of moments, we must try our best to maximize it as much as we can, and for the moments that seems to fill us with regrets, let go of them as wholly as we can, so we can savour all life has to offer us, as well as live a meaningful and happy life. So, here goes the article- click here to read. Happy reading!

Photo Credit: Google Image; Oluwabunmi Olatunji (@realtalkwithbunmi)

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Wednesday 21 August 2019

Do You Do This? If Yes, What Is The Solution?

I have many things on my mind, but one thing seems to stand out. It’s one thing I’ve observed in my environment, especially amidst the super religious. Being a devoted person in a way, I can’t help but check if I’m not like I’ve observed of recent, because it is written- ‘remove the log in your own eyes before you remove the speck in your neighbour’s eyes’ (paraphrased).

Recently, I encountered a man in his 70s who is so religious and would sometimes go to great lengths to make everyone around him comfortable. He would preach to them, laugh with them and talk about life with them. Meanwhile, when the last door closes from the last visitor who leaves, he’s sunk into his usual mood- a depressed mood. For him, it comes as a feeling of loneliness and the thought of not having someone to share life with on a permanent basis- one who could be his wife, as well as a friend, especially for the fact that he’s been separated from his wife for over 10years.
He hid his feelings well from people, no one ever knew until something happened that brought out the feelings, and the next thing this old man did was burst into tears. Everyone was surprised. For this was the very man who would go above and beyond for people, trying his best to make people feel loved, and of course, talk about his religion for a long time, with a seeming solace in the act. Turned out he’s been contemplating a form of suicide behind close door. He’s been living in self-denial for so long, especially about the things he really wanted. His pride as a religious person and ego as someone respected by people had kept him from acknowledging, and eventually dealing with his feelings as warranted. 

If you would indulge me, I would say self-denial is a very bad and deadly habit; it can turn one into a corpse, even though alive. It makes growth impossible and makes reflection a hard one (if at all it leaves any room for it). Self-denial appears as though one is living above one’s feelings, but in the end, poses more harm to the soul than perceieved good. It is like sweeping dirt under the carpet: one day, the carpet would be full and there would be no more place to dump dirts again; meanwhile, the ones already piled up underneath already are causing some forms of damage and levels of ‘tripping’.

In all, it’s ok to handle our feelings. Feel the feelings and act anyway. Never deny the feelings as though they are not there. Once they show up, handle them. Sometimes, to deal with our feelings (especially if it would warrant us to make life-changing decisions), we would have to leave our emotions aside and face the realities staring at us (so our emotions would not tamper with our decision-making process).
If you happen to be a (very) religious person, always recognize that though you in some ways are a spirit being (as always told in church), you are also a physical being with every ounce of humanity; so, stop being super-human and kindly face your issues. Face your fears, needs, and desires. If at all you do not want to handle it with co-humans, at least, handle it with God. The fact that you are handling it at all (either with God or man) shows you are self-aware of the problem which really is a key factor (in getting better/having desired results).

In all, no matter who we are, what we think of ourselves or people think of us, let us never forget that we are humans, and that in the same way issues are part of life, it’s okay to deal with the issues that comes our way even if it is going to put us in a vulnerable position with ourselves. Come to think of it, if you are not open and vulnerable with yourself, with whom (else) would you be? So, feel the fear anyway, the shame if need be but handle your inner issues still.

Till I come your way next week Wednesday- Much love.

Photo Credit: Google Image

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Facebook:   Eniola Olaosebikan
Instagram: cream_legend
Twitter:      TheEniolaO
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Wednesday 14 August 2019

Is Being Engaged A Strictly Exclusive Affair?

So, there was this lady eyeing this man. The man happened to be in a situation one would basically refer to as ‘blessed art thou amongst women’. He was about the only eligible male in a world of more than 10 ladies, who to an extent and for some reasons, were always around him. As a matter of fact, the ladies and the man all blended and there was not a case of someone trying to own him, until someone completely different came along. With the new lady came a significant difference. It turned out that for some reasons, she had her eyes on him. 

The first thing she did on joining the circle was to make sure she played and laughed with the man like everybody else. But then, at some points, with her, some things really seemed to go off. She began to lay claim to the guy in some form of ways, while acting all coy as though she never cared about him. She would jokingly fight anyone trying to call his name in a different way that suggested a different meaning, which in some ways threatened both her claim to the guy, and the ‘joy’ of having him some day.
Well, long story cut short, the lady played her game so well, and in the space of months, she ‘landed’ herself the guy. Like one assuming a new office, the first thing she did was to in some ways pursue those he was particularly close to, especially those the man had done things for in the past that suggested a possible likeness. The second thing she did, amidst many other things, was to isolate this man from the ‘reach’ of others, such that in places where the man and all the other ladies stayed to joke together, he was not found anymore. Slowly, he began to be seen in places that seemingly was unavoidable- church and of course his work area when stumbled upon. Things like joking together with others became a thing of the past. Well, it never took long for the ladies to pick the signals and in the long run and in some ways, ‘abandon’ the guy, since his new boo would have nothing to do with them…
Going with this scenario (which is a real-life scenario by the way), the question is - should dating or being engaged to a man cause you to make the man’s life generically exclusive? Should his life only be with you? And as a matter of fact- revolve only around you? 
To answer the question from my own perspective, I guess couples should still strive to have their individual lives even after marriage. Shielding/keeping your partner to yourself would never make him/her live his/her best life. There need to be singleness/individuality to a great extent in marriage, so each party don’t get so tired of themselves, and at that- irritated. Sadly, the couples above are no longer together, because nothing in the way they went about their relationship (especially the lady) signifies ‘healthy’. When you give air to your relationship (by giving your partner the space to be his/herself), you give life and freshness to the relationship. Otherwise, the relationship would become suffocative and great would be the stench of it when it dies, because to start with, it was never built on what can be seen to be a healthy foundation.
This been said, what do you think about the whole situation? Do you think being in a relationship/being engaged or actually being married to someone should mark the end of one’s freedom and level of interaction with people? 
Till we come each other’s way next week, let’s stay interactive and happy with our environment. Would be a pleasure to read our opinions in the comment session below. Much love.

Photo Credit: Google Image

Connect with me on social media via-
Facebook:   Eniola Olaosebikan
Instagram: cream_legend
Twitter:      TheEniolaO
LinkedIn:    Eniola Olaosebikan

Wednesday 7 August 2019

Birthdays And Reflections

It’s my birthday today and I seem to be full of many things. I am full of gratitude, lessons and reflections. One thing though that I am not full of, or even considering is- regret. Because I have come to a place in my life where I’ve learnt to forgive and pardon myself for every experience that should have led to a form of regret. This I do because there is indeed a limit to what one can do with negative emotions inside of one. 
So, what have I learnt in the course of the past year? I have learnt patience, and timing. I have learnt that nothing can be forced and things happen on their own accord. I have come to realize that moments in life are seeds in the ground, they grow out when their season comes. Just like a mango seed can be in the ground all along and not grow till its season comes, our joys too sometimes could lie in the ground in the form of a seed, waiting for our season to come so it can blossom and become visible for all to see. Life has taught me beyond words, that patience is a virtue. I have learnt to wait, especially for the great and mighty things promised, especially for the fact that I now know that great and lasting things often takes time.

Looking back now, I am happy with the woman I have become. I really have changed and this change is for the better. Looking back as well, I feel so happy knowing all that surrounds me is peace. I have no toxic relationship, nobody draining me as it were; all I see around is love, kindness, acceptance and graciousness. 
Being the woman I am today, I can say for sure that one of the greatest gift one can give to one self as a human being is peace- peace within yourself and all around you. With peace comes clarity, focus and the desire to move oneself to the highest level of humanity possible, especially such that lies within the capacity one’s being. This season for me is a season of reflection and gratitude. I am sure not where I used to be and for that, I am very grateful. 

This straight from the heart piece would not end without me saying THANK YOU to every reader of this blog. Thank you for your love, comment, even friendship over the years. I am grateful for the community we have built over time- a community of love, honour, respect for one another, learning and openness. 

As I go along this uncharted territory, I pray God guides me, leads me and upholds me as well. I pray the same for you my esteemed readers. Thank you for staying, and standing by me all year long last season. I believe this season would be big and better as already, I have a quite exciting news about the blog I’m trying to keep under wrap, but not for long, because in due time, that which is hidden shall be revealed. *smiles*. 

Thank you once more and God bless you.

Connect with me on social media via-
Facebook:   Eniola Olaosebikan
Instagram: cream_legend
Twitter:      TheEniolaO
LinkedIn:    Eniola Olaosebikan
