Wednesday 11 September 2019

Perspective: Three Places To Invest In

As I sat down to write today’s piece, almost like never before, a word came into my heart with a bit of force- INVEST.

For the past few days, I’ve been thinking rather hard- first on how better to live my personal life, as well as impact my world; and secondly- how to enlarge my streams of income. Either way (impact or income), a major way to do this would be to invest, which is most likely one of the reasons the word- invest- resonated deeply with me.
Some hours ago without knowing what today’s topic would be, I’d jotted down a quote that came to my mind. It talked about investing in people as much as we invest in businesses. Because really, in the end, just like the book- Richest man in Babylon by George Clason admonishes: Humans are gold. What better way to invest than invest in gold?- a priceless one at that.
Oprah Winfrey and 'her girls' in South Africa. Source-
Aside investing in people and actual businesses, I deem it fit for us to invest in ourselves as well. The sad (or perhaps happy) truth is that no matter how much we have invested in ourselves in times past, to move further in life, we would have to invest (in ourselves) again. When these moments come, one major question we might need to ask ourselves is- “what would it take me to get to the next level I want to get to?” Once we figure that out (sometimes on our own and other times with the help of our Maker- God), it is our job to invest such value that would get the job done into ourselves, just like an Engineer installs needful software into his computer per time for effectiveness sake.
Using Michelle Obama’s life as an example, we could see how her study of Law ‘landed’ her her passion (community building) in such capacity as her investment in herself (education) gave her; as well as how her investment in people (via courteousness, respect, warmth, believe in people etc) paid off during her husband’s campaign period and eventual time in office. The people she had met earlier in life without even knowing her husband would one day run for office became strong pillars for her husband’s campaign. The likes of Valerie Jarret, Susan Sher and then Melissa Winter and Katie McCormick Lelyveld in the later years; what if she had been rude to them one way or the other? Or in the case of Melissa and Katie, she had belittled them?
Without much ado in today’s piece, the charge to us all would be to take out time to invest in ourselves, as well as in people, even as we go about our daily jobs investing in businesses and opportunities as we see fit. For in the end, no one really knows tomorrow as to fully tell where each of these investments would land us. As a result, keep investing as you see fit, for sometimes- we never know.

Photo Credit: Google Image; Eniola Olaosebikan

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