Wednesday 16 October 2019

I Need A Spouse!

I remember a friend of mine who just passed the age of 30 at the time, saying indirectly to me through all her words and actions- ‘I need a spouse!’. This was a lady who had had all you would think a lady should have, especially based on the ‘African’ mentality, and so, it was only natural and ‘logical’ for the next thought to be marriage.

I could remember us talking outside my house at the time. She was telling me how she wanted to go to a ‘power must change hands program’, and as well, change some things about herself, such as the church she attended. The church we both attended was more of a family and student church; the one she wanted to start attending was in a city miles away from where we stayed, a place she felt had more single men, and as a result, would increase her chances.

She was older than me at the time (and of course- still is), but then, God in His supremacy put a word for her in my mouth then, and the word was – wait. I reminded her that God indeed sees us, and He no doubt knows exactly where we are. Because He knows exactly where we are, it’s so easy for Him to make the things we need come to us, right about the time we actually need it. And so, the word that came to my mouth as a form of encouragement to her was to tell her to wait, and if she can, not bother to change her church and just trust that the love of God would bring that that she needed right to her.

In as much as that appeared like a simple piece of advice, it was quite a tough one. The fact was that we were in a student environment, asides from the fact that there were so limited Africans, or any form of Africans in the place. Most Africans one would find there are either schooling, or married. In my friend’s case, she was not schooling; she was working, which made her case quite a difficult one. The people around her were much younger, or much older and married. And she wanted an African.

Well, fast forward to months after the advice, and some series of us praying together, a new man came to town- an African man, from her very country, who was not there to school, but to work: A pharmacist! Well, your guess is as good as mine, they are happily married now.

What are you going through today? Especially such that cuts across as hopeless? I want you to know that God sees you, and knows exactly where you are. All you need to do is to recognize His voice per time and listen. My friend was smart enough to see God in what I said, even though if you asked me, I would say I was just encouraging her, as a believer I am, but she recognized the voice of God in the little thing I said that seemed to make no sense to a desperate soul like hers at the time. 

Be patient. Listen. If God says move, move. If He says be still- do all your best to be still and trust Him, knowing fully well that everything He has in mind lies in your best interest.

Till I come your way again, let’s all keep waiting (if He says wait); moving (when He says move) and more importantly- trusting Him. Do enjoy the remaining days of the week, and much love.

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  1. Long time Soul writer, have been reading all the while, kudos. But this post caught me to ask questions. Please advise, what if a man makes a wrong decision outside of God's plan. Is that the end or could there be a way out of such? I know God can do anything, does that mean He can change the unpleasant situation into a pleasant one? The heart of a man is deep, we sometimes don't learn until we get a piece of the cake, but could there ever be a second chance for such impatience. Thank you.

    1. I think I would love to agree with @Emahertz answer. All the best Mr. Akinbayo!

  2. Although I'm not the writer of this article but I want to say that He is a God of many second chance. He works in mysterious ways beyond our comprehension.
    For me obedience and patience are currencies for trading in the kingdom.
    Trust Obey and Wait! Then He would come for you.

    1. Thank you so much for your quick response. You have answered my question. I actually asked for those that might have realized they have taken a wrong move, that does not mean all hope is lost. Upon repentance and subsequent obedient,take away doubt,sadness and regret from your heart. The Merciful God is the WAY, so He can redirect that so called 'wrong move' to a perfect and glorious end just like Jabez' story in the Bible. God is able to do exceedingly above, He is never too late and He uses the lowly things to surprise the so called 'wise'.


    2. @ Mr Akinbayo, very true- the Merciful God is the way. I pray He shows us all the way per time.

  3. Very true. Thanks @Emahertz for your answer. I acknowledge your swiftness as well, thank you.
