Wednesday 25 March 2020

A Period For Sober Reflection?

Hey people. Good day. Hope we all are fine, and self isolating as required? How about washing our hands as much as we can? May God keep us all, and like the song challenge Tyler Perry started- God indeed's got the whole world in His Hands. He's got yourself, myself, as well as our families. May His Mercy and protection be upon us all.

By now, there would have been many articles about how to keep safe during this period, as a result, I would pass on that to avoid undue repetition. I'll instead leave us with a recent article I wrote on Bella Naija. I guess this period of isolation could serve as a reflective period for us all, especially with regards to the life we've lived thus far, and that we hope to live.

As well, let us all do our best to stay safe, obeying all the rules that would help, as well as doing our best to avoid panic and fear.

We pray for the souls of the departed, and pray their families find comfort and peace to deal with their demise. God help and save us all.

Photo Credit: Fox News

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Thursday 19 March 2020

Dear Married Man

Day in day out, you try to make me know how bad your home is. But with all due respect, how does this concern me? Based on knowledge, marriage is between two individuals- why bring me in now?

'My wife is a witch', my wife is senseless' my wife is this, my wife is that, she denies me sex, she does this; please how will all that knowledge be of use to me?

Yes, you seek my sympathy to get into my pant, all based on the depth of compassion you know I have. You seek to get me all twisted first with your stories so I can fall flat for you in pity and you can fulfill your selfish desires- why?

Proverbs14:15 (ERV) says- "Fools believe every word they hear, but wise people think carefully about everything" Do you suddenly want to turn me into a fool?

Yes, I acknowledge some homes hurt, but dear married man, don't you always hear that marriage is HARD WORK??? Besides, were you not commanded to love her, to the tune of laying down your life if need be? So I ask you again, how on earth do I come into the equation? Why do you want me to lay down my life and my future for a cause I know nothing about?

...So, my dear married man, with all due respect, kindly face your front, and your home. Your stories (true or concocted), I am sadly not interested in. Some crosses we can't bear for people, this is no doubt one of such. I have a whole life ahead of me, sex with you is no way I intend living it. So once again, please keep your stories to yourself, or perhaps tell them to a counsellor; perhaps he/she could help. My future calls, my destiny awaits me. I want to go as whole as possible.

And yes, I am single, but not desperate. Don't make a fool out of me by making me fall for your story and giving myself as a ransome to 'save' your marriage or give you a 'soft landing' as you once termed it.

I have an idea where I am going and sadly- your hotel room, inside your car, and in your home when your wife is not around is never one of my (many and glorious) destinations.

Kindly take note of this disposition of mine. And kindly know as well, that by Grace, this stance is not changing any time soon.
Thank you.

Signed on behalf of
Consecrated Single Ladies.

Photo Credit: Google Image

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Wednesday 18 March 2020

Dear Men: Here Is A Secret About Women

I was once with a guy and he told me one thing that struck my heart. He must have said it casually, perhaps out of his own superficial observation, but that word hit me, cos to an extent, I understand the underlying pain and depth to what he saw as casual, as well as cheap.

He had said- ‘Girls in this school are cheap. Just buy them doughnut and drink and they are all over you’. Perhaps a tad of what he said may be true, but there sure was more to what he said.

It’s no news that ladies love security, no matter the form it comes in. But of all the securities that comes with what ladies want, the most important one might not be financial as thought by many. Most likely, it is the mental type- the state of knowing ‘no matter what, I am loved’. It goes deeper when the love can be pinned to a soul, say for instance their father or perhaps brother, or someone else masculine they feel they can trust.

Ladies that are seen to fall for the ‘doughnut and drink’ actually fell for something- the fact that someone cares about them in a seemingly thoughtful way.

To you as a guy buying the drink, you are just buying a drink, but sometimes, ladies see beyond the drink, to an actual act of care. And this is because most (African) ladies come from mechanical homes. Homes where things are done mechanically and out of necessity. I.e- things are bought in the house because the house needs it, and not necessarily because a particular individual needs it. As a result, what is felt while growing up is a form of general love, and not necessarily one seen as peculiar and thoughtful. Owing to this, when ladies come across a guy that do things just because it is them, especially with no seeming ulterior motive, they feel a bit special and seen.

So, dear men, the next time you see that lady go all giddy because you got her a gift or did something tangible for her, don't think she is cheap. Instead, see her as grateful, especially for the fact that somebody cares that little, or sometimes much about her. And at that, please kindly know that based on your difference in age, or perhaps what you represent to her, she sees you as either a brother figure, or a father figure.

When you see a lady and all you want is sex, kindly do not deceive her by showing her affection, especially one borne out of an ulterior motive. Or better still, kindly make sure you are on the same page- that she wants you for what you want her for, else, please back off (knowing that the same thing you do to someone else' daughter, will invariably be done to yours or any cherished female figure in your life).

And to the women out there, I know how much you desire to be loved, especially by that one 'special' being. But till God sends the person to you in a holy way, never forget how loved you are by the One who formed you, as well - how cherished you are by Him. I know sometimes it's not easy being seemingly without love, but then, know that you are covered by the greatest, highest and purest love that be- Your Creator's love.

Till I come your way next week, please know that I care. Much love dear sis. 

Photo Credit: Google Image

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Wednesday 11 March 2020

Brown Patches In The Field

“If only I have what she has, then my life would be much easier…”

No doubt, life could have been better with some things in place, but then, to excel in life, we have to be able to acknowledge what we have and work better with it. The grass as we all know is always greener on the other side, until we get there and we realized that there are actually brown patches in the field, and the fact that it looked all green from afar was because we couldn’t see the patches. 

Joju grew up in a very wealthy home. Being the only female child of her parents, they did every, and any thing for her. Bose, on the other hand happened to come from a very poor home. She was able to go to the university because of her will, and the fact that she would do all kinds of menial jobs for people that came her way. 

Bose who happened to know Joju from afar envied her so much. She envied her for the life she lived, most especially the affluence and the seeming absence of struggle that seemed to be in her life. She was well loved by her brothers, her parents adored her, and the world as it were happened to revolve around her.

One thing however that stood out in Joju’s personality was her charming smile. She would smile to the old, as well as to the young, rich and poor alike. Her smile usually radiated a form of peace, a peace Bose has always associated with lack of struggle. Things however changed when Bose started working in Joju’s parents’ house. It was then she discovered a shocking truth. Joju suffers from a form of illness. The illness accounted for why Joju travelled out of the country rather consistently, a factor Bose used to envy a lot, asides her wealthy status.

Our smiles and outward appearance indeed hide many things. The life we see to be all perfect from afar has its sorrow, no matter how well it’s hidden/not in sight. Given a chance, Joju as well could have been envying Bose given her stamina and health status. As a result, a constant source of joy in life would be to be thankful in every state we find ourselves, while keeping hope close by. When we find ourselves joyful and content on our way to who we want to be, our live lived would never be that of envy but of gratitude.

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