Thursday 19 March 2020

Dear Married Man

Day in day out, you try to make me know how bad your home is. But with all due respect, how does this concern me? Based on knowledge, marriage is between two individuals- why bring me in now?

'My wife is a witch', my wife is senseless' my wife is this, my wife is that, she denies me sex, she does this; please how will all that knowledge be of use to me?

Yes, you seek my sympathy to get into my pant, all based on the depth of compassion you know I have. You seek to get me all twisted first with your stories so I can fall flat for you in pity and you can fulfill your selfish desires- why?

Proverbs14:15 (ERV) says- "Fools believe every word they hear, but wise people think carefully about everything" Do you suddenly want to turn me into a fool?

Yes, I acknowledge some homes hurt, but dear married man, don't you always hear that marriage is HARD WORK??? Besides, were you not commanded to love her, to the tune of laying down your life if need be? So I ask you again, how on earth do I come into the equation? Why do you want me to lay down my life and my future for a cause I know nothing about?

...So, my dear married man, with all due respect, kindly face your front, and your home. Your stories (true or concocted), I am sadly not interested in. Some crosses we can't bear for people, this is no doubt one of such. I have a whole life ahead of me, sex with you is no way I intend living it. So once again, please keep your stories to yourself, or perhaps tell them to a counsellor; perhaps he/she could help. My future calls, my destiny awaits me. I want to go as whole as possible.

And yes, I am single, but not desperate. Don't make a fool out of me by making me fall for your story and giving myself as a ransome to 'save' your marriage or give you a 'soft landing' as you once termed it.

I have an idea where I am going and sadly- your hotel room, inside your car, and in your home when your wife is not around is never one of my (many and glorious) destinations.

Kindly take note of this disposition of mine. And kindly know as well, that by Grace, this stance is not changing any time soon.
Thank you.

Signed on behalf of
Consecrated Single Ladies.

Photo Credit: Google Image

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