Wednesday 3 June 2020

Who Can Answer This Riddle?

Sitting here, in front of my computer screen, I really do not know what to write; perhaps you can help solve the puzzle. The rate at which the stench of humanity’s sore is oozing out is alarming. Today, George Flyod, tomorrow- justice for Uwa, Justice for Tina, #AbujaToAkure, the list goes on. How did we get here as human beings?

How did we get to the place where terrorizing our fellow human being has grown to become a norm? How did we get to the state of having emotions to having none? How would you kneel on a fellow human being’s jugular, he tells you he can’t breathe, and still you keep kneeling, feeling like a hero? How do you get to the place of unlawfully desiring a fellow human being, and suddenly pouncing on her like a vicious animal, treating her as a prey? How is it that human beings for whom the earth was created are no longer free to roam the earth as proposed, especially the female, and black ‘species’?

I have these questions and many more swinging over my head like a pendulum that wouldn’t stop. What exactly is happening on the earth? And to the human race? Why would a race result to exterminating another, despite the brutality shown over a period of time? You hate blacks, but is it their faults they find themselves in your country? Ok now, the slavery is over, you try discarding them like a piece of trash, you realized you couldn’t because alas(!)- they are humans like you.  

Going home was no option for them; there was nowhere to call home. All their families have been wiped and scattered, they do not know the way home anymore, so they settled in the land of their oppression. But even if they wanted to go, would they have travelled back the same way they came? Packed like fishes in a sardine can; some dying as a result? And again, where would be home for them? Nigeria? Ghana? Senegal? Where exactly? See the confusion caused? Their identity (which is a basic human possession) has been stripped. Nowhere else to call home, but the place of their affliction.

Ok, having realized they are humans like you (it took them a long while though, thanks to your colour shaming and oppression), they decided to settle into the human life and live. And so, they began asking for the rights ALL human beings are meant to have- right to move freely, right of choice, right of expression, right to vote etc; especially having realizing that America now is their (new) home, and they have to be human in America.

Like drops coming from a full tank, you reluctantly handed some rights to them, after much killings, lynching and spontaneous maiming. Of course, these acts didn’t come from a benevolent heart, it arose from the gallons of bloodshed, and of course, to stop the world from watching from such a public space….

400years plus after, the world has moved from watching privately, to watching publicly, just as they did in the times of fighting to abolish slave trade…

What shall I say about our women too? The fact that literally every woman on the street tiptoes to walk, especially at night and in lonely streets, for the fear of being raped? How is that the people God put as guardians and protectors, due to the immense physical power given now turns around to be the molester and abuser of that which they are meant to protect? How did we get here?

I have many things to say, just as many things to think, but where lies the solution? The realization that the red blood flowing inside of us all makes us a reflection of each other (race, colour or gender notwithstanding)? Or the fact that the earth is made for us all, as long as we bear the name humans? But then, how do we realize this? Go back and become children again? For every child if unrestrained by a stronger force, would play with one another, race, gender, or even ideologies notwithstanding? How do we go back to having the heart The Creator made us with? Just how do we repair the human race?

Photo Credit: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

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  1. All these incidents are so heart-wrenching. I can't even find the right words to articulate my thoughts. Lord! my world needs you.

  2. It's quite amazing I found the words to write myself. So overwhelming feelings. The world indeed needs its Maker!

  3. Hmmmm. I'm just speechless asking myself why did I come in this generation? Seeing all these with no words to explain to the upcoming children, how we have become endangered species to our own selves. It is well!

    1. It really is well! So much going on, and so fast. God help us contribute our quota to the world, in spite of all that is happening.
