Wednesday 29 July 2020

What Do You Understand By The Term – ‘Universe’?

This morning, I was reading the Good Book, and some verses jumped at me. A particular verse in The Message translation seemed to be the highlight. It says- “Your life is a journey you must travel with a deep consciousness of God...”. Couldn’t get it off my head, hence, this article.

These days, we seem to refer to the unseen, as the Universe. In other words, in this age and time, the Universe can be said to be a term interchanged with the idea of being God. We believe the Universe has a strong role to play in determining the course of happenings on the earth, especially as a form of guiding force, or that which gives to people what they actively deserve (either through conducts, or through thoughts). So, if we believe the Universe exists, with Karma as one of its agents, don’t you think there would be something waiting after death?

How do you think we appeared on the earth? Via the Universe? If the Universe is the master of the world, one who determines people’s lot in life through their cooperation, don’t you think it would have plans for us after death, especially as creatures of wonder amongst all living things existing on the earth?

There is One, the Master, who sent us on earth as messengers. He gave us one thing while leaving – our freewill. It is with this freewill He would judge us with when we return back to Him. How do we return back to Him? Through death. With Birth, He released us to the earth to carry out His assignment as messengers; with death, we return back to Him for accountability and judgement.

Who amongst you would have a staff, send the staff on an errand and would have no interest in the report he/she brings back? Of course, there would be a filed report of things encountered and all, as well as how the resources given to the individual was spent. Such is life, especially life after death. It’s nothing deep as it were, only something natural. The same way you would want an account of time spent while your staff was away to the place sent (and backed with company’s resources), is the same way the One who made you and I desires, and deserves a report upon our exit through death.

I say this not to scare anyone, but to face us all with the truth we all fail to confront, all because death is a topic we consciously refrain ourselves from thinking, despite the fact that we all would die someday. An alternative to us not dying is the Master of the Universe Himself come to harvest the earth. it is the term referred to as Rapture….

Perhaps the main crux would be – how do we live a life that will produce a good account? I guess 1 Peter 1:18a (MSG) gives an idea – living with a reverent consciousness of God and allowing the thought to guide our actions. The thing is, being human, (especially such mentioned in Jeremiah 17:9) does not guarantee that, so what do we do? How do we make sure we subject our human mind to the consciousness of its Creator? We can do this by giving our freewill back to God. Why? Simply because the freewill is greater than us: it is such a powerful force that can drown us if we do not subdue it. If we get bent on using it ourselves, a lot of mistakes would happen. The use of our freewill can explain why we have a lot of violence in the world – everybody wants to be liberal in action, even when it hurts a fellow human being. You feel like pulling a gun, and you pull it. Why? – an unrestrained freewill. As a result, giving your freewill to the One who made it is a ‘sneaky’ way of ensuring it stays under control. Why? the One who made it already understands it, as a result, it would be easy for Him to guide us into using it, unlike if we are bent on using ourselves.

Another thing that could help is using the manual the One who gave us the freewill established on the earth. It is called the Good Book for a reason. As well, communicating with the Master who sent us constantly would help regulate our thought, as well as give direction to our mission, just like a staff sent on a mission away from the home office would have to keep calling the home office for guidance and report of status. The act of reporting while on earth is called prayer. It is the act of telling Him how things are exactly.

There are many lucky factors about our mission on the earth. One is the fact that the Master is always open to our reports, even if it’s not a too good report. He has made Himself reachable at all times for our sake, so we will not be stranded (Hebrews 4:16; Hebrews 13:5).

Another very lucky factor is that the Master has a Son who understands us perfectly. Because of the way He understands us through His own experience of humanity, He has chosen to be a link between us and our Maker, such that if we go through Him, more things would be released to us to effectively fulfil our mission, and as well, ensure a good report after death. One of the things we would have when we go through Him is the Spirit of Wisdom called the Holy Spirit. This Spirit would stay with us while on earth, and constant communication with Him and obedience to the things He tells us would ensure that we get all we need on this earth, including comfort for our life’s journey when we go through hard times and trials (which are all part of life).

The Son’s name is Jesus. All we need do is accept Him as the Lord of our lives, so through Him and the Power that has been given to Him through the Master, we can live a victorious life, a life worthy of report, such that would earn us a good place when we return back to our home office, which is Heaven.

Would end the discussion here. If at any time you crave for a discussion on this subject, it would be a pleasure to devote time to have the discussion together. My contacts are below, or we could engage in the comment section if you will.

Till I come your way next Wednesday by His Grace, it would help to keep thinking on issues of life, such as this. Until then, I appreciate you.

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Twitter      TheEniolaO
LinkedIn:    Eniola Olaosebikan

Wednesday 22 July 2020

A Third World Realm Has Been Discovered…

Sometimes last week, the account of some top dignitaries and celebrities were hacked on Twitter. The hackers posted on the integrity of the account holders, asking for financial remunerations of some sorts. Most people seeing it as an opportunity rushed to send hundreds and thousands of dollars. No doubt, everyone wants free money to an extent. Why am I writing this?

In times past, we were told we have two worlds – the spiritual, and the physical world. But then if you ask me, in an age like this, I would say we have three worlds (if not more). The spiritual, physical, and the VIRTUAL world. The first is unseen, the second is seen, and the last I would say is a mixture of the two. What do I mean?

When people post on social media, do you know the exact point they are in life? Some are going through serious issues and posting pictures of good times. You only see what people post, not exactly what is going on in their lives, which is exactly why the virtual world is a mixture of the seen, and the unseen.

The sad thing is, quite a lot of people these days are placing their real life at the mercy of other people’s virtual lives. Something which makes them sad in return, thinking the grass is so brown on their own side of life. We simply have unconsciously compared the real life we are living which is full of troubles here and there like anybody else, to somebody else’ virtual world.

Most of the time, when it comes to social media, we make a lot of assumptions. No doubt, some people consciously fuel those assumptions by doing intentional photoshoots of their lives in good times and places, so people can think/see they are (also) doing well in life. But then, most times, the assumption comes from us. Someone innocently posts a good picture of his or herself, and suddenly we think the world has moved and everyone has literally left us behind (especially when the individual posts from outside the country which you don’t even know if he/she is squatting and living his/her most miserable life ever, even though outside the country and looking so fly).

What am I trying to say in essence? Asides the spiritual world (which we all know is real though unseen), the other real world is our physical world. Very few things are real on social media. Very few. Besides, it’s only human to post what you see as presentable on social media pages. No one goes through bad times and posts them on his/her wall. Even if they do, it’s often after the phase has passed. I bet if you see a real happening of what is happening in the other person’s life, you might literally block the person, because you are likely to see the person as problematic, or plainly sad, meanwhile, the life would have been a real representation of the human life – a mixture of happiness and pain.

As a result, caution, is a word we must embrace when it comes to social media. Taking every single thing you read at face value would do you a whole lot of damage than good. What happened last week Wednesday (the twitter page of celebrities hacked) is a pointer to how fickle social media is, and how you shouldn’t take everything you see seriously, no matter whose page it is. Get the encouragement you can from social media, but never allow its fakeness get to you. Not everybody is as rich as they appear, and neither is everybody as beautiful/holy as they appear. And even when they appear to be what they post, you have no idea what happens behind the scene. The Hushpuppi saga is an example – Rich on social media, a fraudster behind the scene. Now that he is in jail, based on his real life (as opposed to his virtual life display of wealth and legitimacy), do you still envy or want to be like him?

Save yourself the pressure and trauma. Be content with your own life. As a matter of fact, like the popular Mr. Macaroni would say – YOU ARE (already) DOING WELL.

It’s inhumane to think everybody is having it easy except you, especially based on the things you see on social media. The fact is – as long as we are humans, we will always have (and will keep having) our share of trouble, no matter how rich, no matter how influential. Social media can be likened to an aquarium where fishes are made to believe they are in their natural habitat (the sea), whereas, they are trapped in a much smaller world, despite its beauty and similitude to the real world. You catch that? So, never allow any thing weigh you down in the virtual world, most are not real, and even when they happen to be, it’s only a season of their life, not all there is about them, just like you do not post all there is about you too.

Relax, and take the virtual world with a pinch of salt, so you will not fall into ‘hackers’ hands’ – the pretenders. And as well, never assume a thing based on anyone’s page you see. Be content, be happy, because in the end, we are all humans and troubled seasons comes to all, even the Queen!

Photo Credit: Google Image

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LinkedIn:    Eniola Olaosebikan

Wednesday 15 July 2020

Healing From a Hurt

I wanted to title this ‘healing from a sudden hurt’, but then, I realized that virtually all hurts are sudden. They are sudden either because we didn’t pay attention to the little clues we were seeing (mostly based on a solid trust developed for the individual that inflicted the hurt), or that we just didn’t see it coming at all.

Hurts are not funny at all, especially seeing they come from (supposed) friends. Little wonder king David was lamenting his hurt in Psalm 55:12-14, how someone very close to him had betrayed him. No one prays to be hurt, but hurts do happen anyway. So, how can we heal from hurts?

My very first way would be to feel the pain. What do I mean by this? Most times when we feel hurt, there is the feeling of our world crashing down. Some people block the pain to continue their normal life, as though the hurt/pain never happened, others take their time out to deal with the pain. I fall into the latter category.

Recently, the gravity of a hurt I secured sometimes last year became evident to me and for a minute, it was as though I was dreaming. The discovery was unbelievable (especially for the fact that I’d been trying to hide from the truth regarding the issue). The hurt hit me and a crash seemed inevitable. Knowing there was no escape from the pain, I allowed myself feel the pain. The more I allowed the pain in, the more hurtful and shocked I was, especially seeing the ‘quarters’ the hurt came from.

Being someone that learns in the process of grieving for a hurt, I went over all the chats I had with this person that hurt me, and as though scales were taken off my eyes, I began to see where the signs began coming in, but then, I was too trusting – such trust that makes you blind to every clue. I realized the moments I should have stepped up, and with the moments I stepped up, I realized the points I shouldn’t have apologized with some actions I took, all in the name of keeping peace. The more I went over the chat, the more hurt I felt, and as it were, the more stupid I felt for not paying attention to the clues and allowing myself to be played. [Lest I forget, journaling as well helps in relating pain (writing everything that happened, and why it got to you the way it did. More like thinking with the aid of a pen and paper. It helps you know why you are hurt, and sometimes the extent to which you are hurt). The journal serves as a form of therapy, even though quite a number of people would prefer to see a therapist in itself.]

However, there is a level of pain a human being can take, just like there is a level of sickness a doctor can handle on his own before surrendering himself to more capable hands to be taken care of, especially at points where surgery is needed. So, where do we take all our hurts to, especially after allowing ourselves to feel all the hurts and learn a chunk of the lesson while in the pain? I would say- you take it to someone higher and more capable of healing. You take it to God – the Maker of our hearts and emotions.

How do you take your pain to God? You take it to him in heartfelt conversations (prayer). You take it to Him in worship, and sometimes (or perhaps most times) – in messed up tears. This works a lot for me. When I take my pain to God, He opens my eyes to some dimensions that makes the case not as bad as I viewed it. He as well comforts me with His words by leading me to comforting scriptures in the Bible, dropping a phrase in my heart, leading me to a book to read, or by making people around me post scriptures that would mean a lot to me in the pain. Psalm 147:3 was a scripture I got with the latter method. As well, when I take my pain to God, someway somehow, I realize my focus shifts from the all-consuming pain, to the awesomeness and steadfastness of God. I see Him as the God who remains the same (as lovely as ever), despite the constant changing nature of the world.

All these may take a while, but these steps has immeasurably worked for me over and over. I hope this helps? How do you deal with your pain? One of these days, we should talk about ‘trust’. It seems to be the source of so many pains. We would talk about the best way to trust fellow human beings, especially considering what the Bible says in Jeremiah 17:9, about the heart of man being desperately wicked. The wickedness of man I believe is the source of virtually all hurts, such hurts we fall into because of (blind) trust. As well, we would talk about how we ourselves will not be sources of pain to other people, knowing how bad betrayal hurts.

I hope you’ve blessed? Care to share your coping/healing mechanisms? Let’s meet in the comment session. Or would you rather write a whole article on it? My email is open for submissions. We are all in this (life) to learn. Learning from each other would go a long way to help our lives’ journey.

Till I come your way next week Wednesday, stay good and well. Much love.

N.B – Are you currently hurting, especially from a form of betrayal? Would like to recommend T.D Jakes book to you. It’s titled CRUSHING- GOD TURNS PRESSURE INTO POWER. Been reading it and it has really been helpful.

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Facebook:   Soul Writer
Instagram: cream_legend
Twitter      TheEniolaO
LinkedIn:    Eniola Olaosebikan

Wednesday 8 July 2020

Dear Ladies: The Power of Your Intuition Against Abuse

I can never forget an experience I had sometimes back. It was last year January. What had happened? There was a week-long program in my church that I wanted to attend. I happened to stay on the Island, and the program was to hold on the mainland. Most conferences finished around past 8pm/9pm, so, the chances of going back to the Island looked bleak for me, especially for the fact that I was not mobile at the time.

Somewhere by chance, an elderly friend and I got talking, I had met her sometimes in July 2018. She said there was a place she stayed around the mainland, that she would talk to who she lived with to ask if I could join her for the week-long program. She did, and the answer was yes. One of the things that seemed to stand out was that, when she was talking and she was saying she lived ALONE with a man, I had my skepticisms, but then, the fact that I trusted my friend, and according to her, the man was an old and nice man made me quiet down a bit. Not sure I asked her any question.

Fast forward to the week I would spend in the house, the first time I saw the man was another moment I would never forget. We got home around 9pm (I guess), and my first sight of the man was not funny. The man had come to open the door for us. He was bare chested with a white wrapper tied around his waist. He also happened to be very tall, with white hairs on his head, which made things scarier, such that his very impression on me was that of an occult man. I literally swallowed the feeling and proceeded to the room I was going to stay with my friend. On getting there, something about the room just didn’t stick with me. The room was small, quite rough and dirty, just like the house itself was very small and quite choky. I immediately phoned someone to call an Uber for me (story for another day), which he did.

By this time, it was already 10pm, and I was going to the far ends of the Island from Yaba. When we got to YabaTech, the uber driver asked me where I was going, and I said Ajah. He kind of stopped the car and said he couldn’t go that far. One reason was that he lived in Ikorodu and was still going back home that night, the other reason was that he would not get a customer while coming back. Well, the man who got me the Uber tried bargaining with him on call, but nothing concrete could be reached, so, the driver turned back and dropped me back to where I dreaded to stay. I eventually stayed in this man’s house for the program.

Literally a year and some months later (precisely June this year), I realized that this man is a serial molester, and sexual abuser. What really happened? Well, stay tuned.

What I want to bring out, especially to us ladies is that we should pay CLOSE attention to our intuition. We should not wait to see evil before we acknowledge our intuition. When you heart has questions, especially quite troubling and doubting ones, pause on the action. Don’t be in such a hurry to do things (even if they are right and legit). When your spirit for whatever reason do not feel comfortable in a place – run! Don’t wait to know why. Joseph in the Bible didn’t wait to see what Potiphar’s wife would do, he simply ran. More so, the Bible says we should FLEE every appearance of evil.

God forbid we see rape, as sometimes it comes quite suddenly with little or no physical warnings, but when it comes to abuse and molestation, there are always signs, there are always warnings. A major mistake we make as ladies is making assumptions for these useless human beings involved in such acts. Why? Because they appear as fathers and brothers. We are mostly so naïve and trusting, whereas, they are so calculative and manipulative.

I pray God helps us against these predatory ‘animals’. In the meantime, let us pay drastic attention to our intuition, especially as ladies. They mostly never go wrong. Sometimes we never get to know why we had the intuition (but then we are saved from the could-have been danger), other times, we get to know weeks, months, or years later and we end up very thankful and grateful.

Would you like to share any experience you had with your intuition, especially when you ignored it? The comment session is opened. Let’s all share so we all can learn.

Till I see you next week on the blog (by Grace), keep staying strong, safe, and yielding to your intuition. Much love.

References: The Bible, via Genesis 39 and 1 Thessalonians 5:22

Photo Credit: Google Image

Connect with me on social media via-
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LinkedIn:    Eniola Olaosebikan

Wednesday 1 July 2020

How Often Do You Question The Things In Your Life?

Hey people. How have we been? Trust good? So - what’s on your mind if I may ask?

If you ask me the later question, I would say a lot is on my mind these days. Things I’m so careful not to pour out so it wouldn’t sound like rant, or some forms of complain. I have thoughts of marriage, singleness, religion, and even life in itself on my mind. I seem to be at the stage where I question a lot of things. More like something in me snapped (by the virtue of experience), and now, I get to see things in a whole different way.

Of all the things on my mind, two things seem to stand out. Life, and religion. I am starting to see life in a different way, especially in trying to see the true meaning, and essence of life. And as well, about religion – how religious leaders place themselves as gods over people, to be worshipped, as though we are not all humans trying to make a meaning of our lives, despite our imperfections.

Wouldn’t want to go deep into all these topics, as to an extent, they might be quite sensitive to be discussed. They are things better arrived at through personal convictions, and perhaps experience. But in the meantime, I want to ask us one question I consider vital – How often do you question the things in your life? This is not to call us into arrogance. On the other hand, it is to call us into a more conscious living – a life that seeks to know, and as well, heeds intuition.

This episode being a very short one, one thing I would like to leave us with, especially such that seem to lie at the center of my recent discoveries is – to try our best not to manipulate people. I would like to admonish us to stand for the truth as much as we can, and to as well, try our very best to have a honest/pure heart towards people. While admonishing us to have a pure heart, I would like to bring to our notice to be as careful as we can, as indeed, this is planet earth, and wolves indeed roam the planet as sheep.

While my discovery unfolds (and perhaps while yours unfolds as well), especially the true meaning of life, let’s all keep safe, and do our very best to be healthy.

Would there be anything you have learnt/currently learning in the phase you are in? Want to share? Hit me up in the comment session, let’s talk about it (as a way of learning and sharing, which this blog is all about).

N.B: To the people that reached out to me regarding the absence of a blogpost last week Wednesday, I am grateful, and I duly apologize for the absence of a post as there should.

Photo Credit: A pilgrim in Narnia

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