Wednesday 15 July 2020

Healing From a Hurt

I wanted to title this ‘healing from a sudden hurt’, but then, I realized that virtually all hurts are sudden. They are sudden either because we didn’t pay attention to the little clues we were seeing (mostly based on a solid trust developed for the individual that inflicted the hurt), or that we just didn’t see it coming at all.

Hurts are not funny at all, especially seeing they come from (supposed) friends. Little wonder king David was lamenting his hurt in Psalm 55:12-14, how someone very close to him had betrayed him. No one prays to be hurt, but hurts do happen anyway. So, how can we heal from hurts?

My very first way would be to feel the pain. What do I mean by this? Most times when we feel hurt, there is the feeling of our world crashing down. Some people block the pain to continue their normal life, as though the hurt/pain never happened, others take their time out to deal with the pain. I fall into the latter category.

Recently, the gravity of a hurt I secured sometimes last year became evident to me and for a minute, it was as though I was dreaming. The discovery was unbelievable (especially for the fact that I’d been trying to hide from the truth regarding the issue). The hurt hit me and a crash seemed inevitable. Knowing there was no escape from the pain, I allowed myself feel the pain. The more I allowed the pain in, the more hurtful and shocked I was, especially seeing the ‘quarters’ the hurt came from.

Being someone that learns in the process of grieving for a hurt, I went over all the chats I had with this person that hurt me, and as though scales were taken off my eyes, I began to see where the signs began coming in, but then, I was too trusting – such trust that makes you blind to every clue. I realized the moments I should have stepped up, and with the moments I stepped up, I realized the points I shouldn’t have apologized with some actions I took, all in the name of keeping peace. The more I went over the chat, the more hurt I felt, and as it were, the more stupid I felt for not paying attention to the clues and allowing myself to be played. [Lest I forget, journaling as well helps in relating pain (writing everything that happened, and why it got to you the way it did. More like thinking with the aid of a pen and paper. It helps you know why you are hurt, and sometimes the extent to which you are hurt). The journal serves as a form of therapy, even though quite a number of people would prefer to see a therapist in itself.]

However, there is a level of pain a human being can take, just like there is a level of sickness a doctor can handle on his own before surrendering himself to more capable hands to be taken care of, especially at points where surgery is needed. So, where do we take all our hurts to, especially after allowing ourselves to feel all the hurts and learn a chunk of the lesson while in the pain? I would say- you take it to someone higher and more capable of healing. You take it to God – the Maker of our hearts and emotions.

How do you take your pain to God? You take it to him in heartfelt conversations (prayer). You take it to Him in worship, and sometimes (or perhaps most times) – in messed up tears. This works a lot for me. When I take my pain to God, He opens my eyes to some dimensions that makes the case not as bad as I viewed it. He as well comforts me with His words by leading me to comforting scriptures in the Bible, dropping a phrase in my heart, leading me to a book to read, or by making people around me post scriptures that would mean a lot to me in the pain. Psalm 147:3 was a scripture I got with the latter method. As well, when I take my pain to God, someway somehow, I realize my focus shifts from the all-consuming pain, to the awesomeness and steadfastness of God. I see Him as the God who remains the same (as lovely as ever), despite the constant changing nature of the world.

All these may take a while, but these steps has immeasurably worked for me over and over. I hope this helps? How do you deal with your pain? One of these days, we should talk about ‘trust’. It seems to be the source of so many pains. We would talk about the best way to trust fellow human beings, especially considering what the Bible says in Jeremiah 17:9, about the heart of man being desperately wicked. The wickedness of man I believe is the source of virtually all hurts, such hurts we fall into because of (blind) trust. As well, we would talk about how we ourselves will not be sources of pain to other people, knowing how bad betrayal hurts.

I hope you’ve blessed? Care to share your coping/healing mechanisms? Let’s meet in the comment session. Or would you rather write a whole article on it? My email is open for submissions. We are all in this (life) to learn. Learning from each other would go a long way to help our lives’ journey.

Till I come your way next week Wednesday, stay good and well. Much love.

N.B – Are you currently hurting, especially from a form of betrayal? Would like to recommend T.D Jakes book to you. It’s titled CRUSHING- GOD TURNS PRESSURE INTO POWER. Been reading it and it has really been helpful.

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LinkedIn:    Eniola Olaosebikan


  1. Thank you for this write up and for sharing your experience. Please don't be hurt. To be hurt is not a good feeling, though its inevitable.
    The tears never stopped rolling down my tears every time I remember how bad I had been hurt. There are different cases and ways of been hurt;

    1. When the person is aware that he or she is hurting you

    2. When he or she is not aware.

    Mine was the case number 2, which is the most painful type. And the person never cared, the torture was for about 14 years until I decided to move on with a new world view.

    I knew right from the moment I saw her 2005 that Abike was meant to be mine, my soul glued to her from a distance, i had peace and my emotions sparkled up from its dormancy. I filled my heart with fantasy and painted a picture of my dream home with a Abike I had not even spoken to of my feelings. it was love at first sight and I waited patiently for the right moment to say "hello". My friends fooled my fantasy, it became my 'fantasy world with Abike' against their reality, but God knew I was a shy type and He divinely connected me to my secret love three months later. With all my friends in the know, we decided i should try
    and speak up my intentions which i did but Abike let me down and talked me down. From 2005 till present she never gave me a listening hear to at least take time to weigh the burden I carried for years. I lived a lonely life, with no boldness to speak to any lady and for that I didn't for about 10years had any relationship hoping one day my dreams will come to pass with Abike. I waited till 2015 (10years) without having a girl friend hoping some day my soul mate will come to realize that my heart was meant for her. The painful part is that she still looked down on me, insulted me in many instances, made me feel little of myself. Yet, I never let her out of my sight even till I speak. Abike is from a rich home, while my parents were averagely okay, and I almost lost my self esteem to inferiority complex until I met another lady that was far below Abike's standard in 2016. Esosa love me and she made me her role model. Eventually i married Esosa out of pity ( Sorry to say). But the painful part is that I still shed tears for every time i remember the years I spent waiting and hoping for my soul mate to come by. I love Abike, i haven't left my fantasy world with Abike. My life would be more fulfilled with my soul mate. I still don't mind crumbling my reality to return to my world with Abike. But the possibilities are slim because even till now Abike still don't know the burden of love I carry. What else can I do than to pray for God to heal my soul and give me the grace to love Esosa.

    The choice to be happy in life lies in our hands. You can either live with the regret, make amendments or rather pray for healing to your soul and grace to let go. But If I have my ways I will find my soul mate, so I can live a fulfilled life and have a happy ending. But the question is what would be of the lady that love me unconditionerly?. Maybe this is what sacrifice is. Letting go of Abike as my sacrificial lamb for Esosa.

    One major lesson have learnt in life, is never to cage your soul with regret, find a healing...break the chain, everyone deserve to be happy. Don't ever put religion in business, or put sentiments and pity in decision makings.

    But when such mistakes cannot be corrected, pray for healing. The God that made your soul knows how fragile it is, and He alone can heal. He is the master planner, He can make a way where there seems to be know way.

    And most importantly, don't do to people what you won't want others to do to you, let's be conscious of how we treat peoples feelings, so we won't be hurting people unknowingly.
    We all will find healing somehow. I will read the book in your article.

    And to my Abike, am willing to start all over if that would mean my healing.

    Thank you for your time. Kindly advise as well.

    1. Hello there,
      If u would not mind, I can put ur story on my program. Check out my IG and YouTube @ realtalkwithbunmi. Also we can communicate via looking forward to hear from u.

    2. Good day Ma., have been your follower on IG for over a year and I appreciate what you do. But please, don't put this story yet. It's so important to me.

      And thank you for your comment, you are right, time heal all wounds as well.

      Best wishes.

    3. Hey Mr. many questions to ask, but can I tell you one thing? Fantasy world is no place to live. Stop playing a victim and face the one who loves you and sees you as a role model...

  2. Time help heal hurts as well. I pray God give us the grace to look beyond our hurt and focus on brighter days
