Wednesday 29 April 2015

The lie I was told

It is amazing how our fear gets transformed into faith; so amazing. Before I really got to know the Lord, the devil filled my heart with fear; I felt I wasn't really going to be able to please God anyway, so why walk with Him. The devil knew so well of my desire to please God, even before I really got to know Him, so he filled my heart with the fear.
The picture the devil painted in my heart was that of an insatiable God; A perfectionist kind of God. He made me forget that God is the God of my weakness; the One who exchanges His strength for my weakness. He made me forget the more time I spend with God, the more Grace He makes available to to me to do His Will.
Can I tell you the truth? The devil is merely afraid- afraid of you. He is afraid of what could be when you make Jesus Christ your Lord and you spend quality time with Him. he is afraid of the havoc you will wreck in his kingdom when God's power constantly comes to you through fellowship. he is afraid destiny comes calling the moment you surrender your life and all to Jesus. he is afraid of the peace you'll get from God, such that his constant threat and injections of fear becomes of no effect in your life.
what lie is the devil telling you today? Dare to resist him and press in into God. Jesus already defeated him! Let your love for God defeat every and any fear the devil tells you. Refuse to be his victim; you are already a victor in Christ! You are more than a conqueror! Make up your mind to walk with God; even if you fall, His Grace will be right there to be pick you up and set you on the right path. God is a Loving and Gracious Father, do not allow the devil deprive you of His love.

1 John 4:18 (NIV) - There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.

Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. WOw! This just made my day. Last night was hell for me as I was unable to sleep, after my night prayers the devil gripped my mind with thoughts, part of it was fear of my tomorrow if I will be married to have my own kids, considering all the numbers of disappointments I have been through and age going,pressure from family and society. It has been a serious struggle to me but the burden is being lifted. Thanks for including this article.
