Monday 27 February 2017

I am not the best

Good is okay.
I do not want
To be the best.
To be the best
Is to have one to compare to;
To be good-
Is just to be me.

I compete with no other
I compare with no other:
I stay on my lane
And on my own. I am

In God's Eyes
Are hidden
- a billion lights;
Lights that shines through
And sees clearly.
He needs not think twice
Nor tell a lie
About what He sees.

He saw me
And said
I was good.
He makes no mistake.

I compare with no one
I compete with no one
God says I am good:
I am good.

I strive to be the best
Because I compare.
But now
Knowing who I am
And whose I am,
I compare no more
Because I know
I am good.

I am good:
He created me good-
That's all that matters.

God made two great lights:
The sun
And the moon
Both were good.
None was better,
None was best.
Each had its unique purpose
No other can fill.

..God made me too
Amidst many other billions walking;
I am good,
They are good too.


  1. Wow, I can boldly say it again that I AM GOOD. Eniola - My Soul writer, may your soul see more of the light and the radiance to reflect to the world her true self.

    1. A lot like my poem,i am special,you are special,for a purpose I was made,for a purpose you were made,i don't want to be you,please don't try to be me,so I can get help from you when I need that for which you were made,dont make me cry and suffer when I need you,i won't change me so I can be here when you need me,we are special,we are here for a purpose,i love you,please love me...
