Wednesday 20 February 2019

Who Is Finer? Me or Her? (2)

To someone reading this post, I have this to say to you: Please stop inflicting pain on yourself through the constant and perhaps excessive comparison you make. Nobody was made to be finer than you and nobody was made in such a way to spite you. You were made unique, with no one to look exactly like you, even if you happen to be a twin (at least fingerprints amongst many other things no matter how minute are different). We all are walking wonders of the One who made us and placed us on this planet called earth for the display of His splendor and Might; a showmanship of how awesome He can make things, especially humans- with the world having more than 6billion of us.

Everybody was made in a ‘container’ that better suits his or her assignment. Or how would you feel if you saw butter being sold inside a syringe? - How would you bring the butter out for use without it becoming messy? Everybody’s assignment was preserved in a vessel (body) best suited for their assignment such that would make it easy for expression. You are in a body best suited for yours and no matter how much you search, there would never be a body like yours so the earlier you stop comparing and accept yourself, the better it would be and the easier you can face your assignment without any form of distraction.

The sad truth is we that are trying to find someone who is at least exactly like us when in the real sense no one else is and would be in the long run. As a result, instead of pushing ourselves away through comparison, we should literally throw a party for ourselves- for the uniqueness we bring to the world in every sense of it.  The sooner you become blind to other people’s containers and focus on your assignment, the better. 
The way God made us was such a way that we never can compare and even if we dared, it never would be worthwhile. That’s why when we compare majority of the time, we end up getting downcast and sometimes dejected, rejecting the body that has carried the essence of us for so long. My charge to us all today is
1.       Never to compare
2.       Know that we all are queens and kings in our own right. No matter how little, we all have a kingdom to run- the kingdom of ourselves (through self-leadership and self-awareness), and the kingdom of others/our legacies by paying attention to our assignment in life and the lives we were made to impact.
In the end, comparison is a price your destiny cannot afford no matter how low or treasurably high the price is.

Till I come your way next week Wednesday, keep loving and celebrating yourself as though only you exists in the world, because in actual fact- only you (your prototype) exists in the world. Just like there is no god like the God who made you, there is no human like you too.

Photo Credit: Google Image

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