Wednesday 26 June 2019

What Do You Think Life Is?

Would it be possible to make a single meaning of life? I don’t think so, because for all its worth, life is a combination of many things, including opposing moments. It’s a combination of quiet and chaos, happiness and sadness, as well as knowing, and not knowing. For in this moment, we appear to know, while in the following moment, we know nothing.
If asked to define life, I would say life in itself is an irony. A place where you are strong today and tomorrow for whatever reason, you are down. Nothing in life is ever stable; it is full of ups and downs, joys and sorrows, battles and love. Having known that, perhaps a deeper question would be- what do we do when life shows us it’s not too good side? 

If I want to write a ‘great’ article, I would proffer solutions and list the steps and ways, but because I am human passing through the same experience as everyone else, and as well, because this blog is an honest and open blog where all we do is share and learn, I would say there is no one answer. Sometimes when life happens (as we say), we just have to do what works best for us. Sometimes, it is finding solace in the words and hugs of loved ones, sometimes it is staying in bed for longer hours, other times, it is trying to distance ourselves from the feeling by watching movies, hanging out with friends and loved ones; and so on.
Religious people would tell you to pray and read your Bible (and perhaps bind and cast the devil), but what if you actually do not have the strength to, or you are just too bland and in some ways too hopeless (and sometimes disappointed at first) to even say a prayer or turn the pages of your Bible? Especially on days you wake up and all you want to do is stare at the ceiling because you feel so overwhelmed for sometimes reasons you can’t explain? What do you do at such times? The truth is I have little idea on exactly what to do, but then, if you care to know, I can tell you what works for me.

Majority of the times, positive words around me helps. It could be a pasted confession of who I see myself to be (written in good times), or words of friends, mentors or even families calling in at such crucial times to say (or sometimes remind me of) positive things and moments without them even knowing. Often times with such experiences, conversations had had often led me straight back to God and His Word, which always proves to be the ultimate and about all I need to live a strengthened life. 
Times we feel bland about life, a few times, all we might need for the moment might just be a round of rests, as it could be our bodies reacting to prior stressful and restless moments we’ve had. Sometimes as well, journaling or finding the courage to do what we love or what we must do (for instance- keeping our appointments for the day such as going to work, seeing a friend outdoor etc) might serve as a therapy. Notwithstanding, whatever works for you (that is moral), I would say do, but then most especially, I would want to leave us with this quote:

"Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble.  A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken." Ecclesiastes 4:9,10,12 (NLT)
We sometimes err in life and stay neck-deep in our issues (and sometimes loneliness) because we are so used to walking alone and we have no such person that can pull us up, especially times as Christians we have little zeal to pray and read our Bibles.

Since this is life and life is made up of people, I would say a ‘Jonathan’ is always needed to help 'a David' in times of trouble, just like 'an Elizabeth' is always encouraging to have for 'a Mary' in times of good, unusual and joyful news. As a result, a life that joyfully can describe the true meaning of life might be one that never walked alone (in the figurative sense).

References: First book of Samuel chapter 20, and The book of Luke Chapter 1, verses 39-45.

Photo Credit: Google Image

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Facebook:   Eniola Olaosebikan
Instagram: cream_legend
Twitter:      TheEniolaO
LinkedIn:    Eniola Olaosebikan



  1. Two people are better than differences and pick the one that is relevant to your life or situation

    1. Very true. Two (great) people are indeed better than one.
      Thank you Olabisi.

  2. Two people are better than differences and pick the one that is relevant to your life or situation

    1. Very true. Two (great) people are indeed better than one.
      Thank you Olabisi.

  3. Sometimes we do not feel like reading the Bible due to our situations and weaknesses but I still find going back to the Bible and talking to the Holy Spirit as the most reasonable and comforting thing to do because friends and family maybe close at that moment but will not know how much pain you are into. I would rather get out of my pains first before going out to hang out with friends.
    Last year was really a trying times for me. I lost millions of naira and was out of job at the same time. I was completely down emotionally but I got my victory from the presence of God. Only the word could comfort me and now I have hope that I can more be better than I was.

    1. Wow! This is profound. Very true. I really agree the best and first place to go is the Presence of God. But then per time, knowing how weak we can be, He positions co-humans along our path so they can hold us and be of help times we are so down. Thank you so much for your lovely contribution.

      About the loss, so sorry about it. Thank God for His sustenance and hope. Happy you are back on your feet and better. His comfort indeed is everything.
      Thank you once again Emahertz. Sending you a very big hug.

    2. Thanks soul writer for your encouragement. Hug warmly received. I appreciate keep up the good work.

  4. I love the way you always put a human feel to your write ups. Any one could marshal out "10 ways to keep going on when nothing is working" but you have made this so relatable. I hope this helps someone going through trying times.

    For me, it might just mean taking sometime off and chilling with loved ones. The gift of friendship is something I really cherish because friends have walked me through some really dark moments.Faith is key for me and I am blessed to have friends who during my dark times reminded me all I have learnt in the light.

    1. Thank you for your kind words. Friends indeed are everything, especially great friends. May we be such friends, and may we meet such friends along our path, even more than ever before.

      So grateful to have your heartfelt contribution, and once again, thank you for the compliment.

  5. Your articles are always relevant to daily issues. Though Nothing can be compared to leaning on the spirit of God and not on our own understanding. But in situations where our worries are louder than the still small voice, or when our impatience would skip the Rhema between the lines of the word of God, then talking to a reliable and knowledgeable friend who will look into our eyes and tell us what is right could go a long way to meet our demands/solace. We need one another to grow through life affairs and difficulties. We should also make ourselves ready for others to count on during their down times. It's like lighting someone's else candle, when yours is off, the same person you have lightened up will be made ready to do the same for you.

    Thank you Eniola.

    1. Very true and great words here. so so true. We really should have you be our guest blogger one of these days. I guess the house would be so happy to have you.

      Thank you for your constantly inspiring thoughts and contributions; you are indeed a blessing and you are greatly appreciated.
      A million thanks Mr Akinbayo.

  6. OMG! Thank you for such a great honor, the pleasure is all mine. The Soul Writer's Blog is a place to be, God's presence is here. I'm always delighted within my soul each time i read comments from great and profound minds on this platform. Thank you again @Eniola for been an inspiration and a vessel unto honor. Shalom!

    1. Thank you sir. Would be a pleasure to have you.

  7. A nice very nice write up to make realise that what I normally call wilderness (lowly moments) is not peculiar to me alone
    God bless you madam Soulwriter

  8. A nice very nice write up to make realise that what I normally call wilderness (lowly moments) is not peculiar to me alone
    God bless you madam Soulwriter

  9. A very nice write up to make me realise that what I normally call wilderness (lowly moments) is not peculiar to me alone
    God bless you madam Soulwriter

    1. Amen. A pleasure we all can relate with the article.
      Thank you.
