Wednesday 3 July 2019

This Social Media Palaver

No doubt, gone are the days when ‘iya Bisi’s’ daughter graduates and it takes you days, weeks and sometimes even years to know as a neighbour. These days are not like that anymore. Iya Bisi’s daughter graduates and the very moment (not even the next minute or hour) we know. Because Bisi herself is busy posting pictures and videos of herself during the ceremony, such that stays in your face even if you never went looking for it. Such is the world we live in today.

In as much as it is joyful for some, it is perhaps sad for some people because of the pressure they feel to put their lives out there even though that’s not who they are. The question now turns out to be- if that’s not who you are (but you must because the days we are in necessitates it), how do you find a balance?
Well, maybe I fall in the category described above because over time and perhaps more than ever, I have grown to be a private individual. For instance, some days ago, I went for a conference which by all standard was an excellent one. It had great places to snap, the speakers that came were topnotch, but then in the midst of everything happening, whilst many of the thousands that came were snapping pictures in desired places, all I waited for was for the program to start because in the end, that was what I came for, and all I’ll give everything for.
The two friends I met at the occasion who had come after a while to take up the seat of two other ladies that left earlier were busy taking selfies, talking so loud, to the point of disturbing the rapt attention I would have loved to have for the speakers, whose words and experiences I came to listen to and learn from. This makes me wonder what this generation is all about: the glitz or wisdom. Listening, or paparazzi?
In as well as there are people who did the two, i.e take pictures at the event and listened attentively when it was time to listen, the question is- is there a world for someone who simply went there to listen and take no paparazzi picture? Because these days, everything that seems to be happening is ‘kiss and tell’. Is there a world for people who just want to do their things in silence just like in the olden days? Perhaps such people are people who needs to keep up with the age by facing the reality. But then how? By denying themselves and pleasing the world? Placing moment by moment pictures of their lives all in the open?
For people like me, maybe there might be a solution. Work hard, so that your work would speak for you; such way, you wouldn’t have to keep posting personal and intimate pictures of yourself to keep up with the age, as well as the Jones and Joneses. Celebrities like Beyonce, Michelle Obama and the likes does that a lot. 

Their works/professional photos taken speaks the words on their pages and they only have to draw you into their personal lives as much as they want to. I see diplomats and a lot of people I look up to do this as well. They only post pictures of where they spoke at, the professional activities they engage in during the course of the day and the likes. I never see those of their kids, husbands (asides from those married to fellow people in public eyes) etc, and they get their likes and attention anyway (such as the age demands), which for me, is a welcome relief since the world wants to see a post from you every day, especially a picture of you.

This is my view of social media, especially for introverts; what’s yours? Share in the comment session below so we can learn, or perhaps find solace in each other if you happen to be someone like me.
Much love.

Photo Credit: Google Image

Connect with me on social media via-
Facebook:   Eniola Olaosebikan
Instagram: cream_legend
Twitter:      TheEniolaO
LinkedIn:    Eniola Olaosebikan



  1. Its called Narcissism and its a weird need to seek validation from others to feel good about yourself. These people dont know they have enough inside to be confident about personally without a bunch of people( who really dont care about them) validating them. They live for the like and reactions. Totally unecessary.

    1. Wow. This is on a deeper level. So true. Perhaps one of the reasons people get easily weighed down these days. The feeling of being rejected because of little or no (post) likes. God save our generation.

  2. It all depend on one's opinion personality and how it makes you feel as an individual. Extroverts and introverts are now taking solace in social media since people no longer have physical interaction with themselves. You can have up to a thousand friend in facebook and not even one tangible close friend. If I need to get people's attention and no one person is physically present to talk to then trust that I would have to go up there and make some noise.

    1. Lovely angle. True. The world is fast becoming as you described it. Physically friendliness to an extent is on the decline because people are finding/taking solace in social media as it were. And yes, people would make noise on social media if that's what it would take to get the yearning for attention deep inside of them that no one seems to notice or for some reasons- gratify.

      So does it mean social media is fast becoming a 'human planet'? If not one already. Any hope for introverts in this planet? What do you think?

  3. Great views from the comments. i will like to say there's hope for introverts of which i am one and i like it that way. It saves me a lot of stress.

    Either introverts or extroverts, we are Individually unique. I am keen about what i share on social media. I keep my privacy settings lock down and i check occasionally to ensuring that nothing has change. The social media platform is open to all, but while an extrovert seek for attention which they feel disappointed when they don't get it, an introvert is basically seeking for information, and not validated by likes and comments.

    Keeping private things private and moderating how we use social media platforms will save time, save unnecessary billing from people we hardly know, and most importantly the security benefits attached can't be overrated. When we take photos with goal of sharing, it makes us think about how others are going to evaluate those photos. On the other way round, when we photos, psychologist have proved that we get the same feeling looking at the photo as to how we felt when it was taken.

    Its good we keep notice of our surroundings.

    Thank you Soulwriter.

    1. Thank you for all you said, but perhaps more than ever, for saying there's hope for introverts. That's indeed a great consolation for me, and no doubt people like me.
      A million thanks Mr. Bayo.
