Wednesday 22 April 2020

Life, Processes, And Seasons

Somewhere between being a child and becoming a teenager, I had hope poured into me like a bottle of oil emptied into a friction-laden engine; such hope that told me I could be anything I wanted to be. The idea of it looked so real to me, so much so that I changed the pattern of my lifestyle to accommodate its possibility. I was told I could be a star if I wanted to be, and I could excel in my chosen field, especially my area of passion if I chose to. Nothing seemed like a better news so I set my heart to it all I could.
In the process of aligning my life to the newest possibility in my head, I was given what seemed to be a condition... Click here to continue reading

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Wednesday 15 April 2020

Dividends Of Proximity- Who Are You Close To?

We once lived in an apartment where the neighbour next door to us is a broadcaster. She read news at the state’s Television, as well as anchored programs and events, off and on TV. My mum on the other hand happened to be a medical doctor. She most likely would never have thought of being on a TV show, most likely because of her time, and interest at the time. But then, our neighbour being a journalist as it were, invited my mum to a segment on her show where they talked about health and surrounding issues.

Most likely if we never lived in that house, such offer would never have come for my mum, for she was only a regular doctor doing her thing, besides some other religious activities she was involved in. But then, the fact that she lived in the vicinity of someone who worked back then on TV made her have access to TV in that sense.

We are humans. And as humans, we are all God’s kids (as far as creation is concerned). There are some natural favour that flows from being God’s children, especially for the fact that He is our Maker, and He crafted each and every one of us with His very Hands. However, there are other favours that would flow towards us because we happen to be in a close relationship with Him; favours that most likely wouldn’t have come our way had we stayed far.

As a result, I would love to encourage us to stay close to our Maker. Not only for floods of favour, but as well for intimacy. The intimacy of having a conscious father-daughter relationship (or Father-son as the case may be). The love flows better, and we feel it more closely when we are in a close proximity with the Father, unlike when we are far. And besides, for every problem we come across in life, there would be a straightforward relief and comfort because we know that through the love of the Father whom we know so intimately, all would be well.

Jesus being the only way to the Father, inviting Him into our lives makes the connection possible and so real. So just incase you are not sure you have Jesus (who is no doubt the connecting link- the only one at that), it would be nice to say this sentence: Dear Heavenly Father, I crown You the Lord of my life. Come into my heart Jesus, and teach me all your ways, in Jesus name- Amen - There you go! (If already you’ve not made God a part of your life). And if you already have, it might be time to take the plunge and go a little deeper, till all you hear are giggles, and all you see, is peace.

Till I come your way next week, keep being so loving, and no doubt, say me well to our Father in Heaven, cos He is my Father too!

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Wednesday 8 April 2020

How To Keep Sane During This Covid-19 Period

A good day to us all, how have you been keeping up? My prayer is for God to keep us all during this period- let those who are ill receive their healing, and let those who are hale, remain hale.

My heart goes out to those who for some reason have lost loved ones, I pray God sends hope, light, and comfort to all.

In as much as I have always worked from home to an extent, I can't say there's not been a change due to the Covid-19 quarantine. I drink more herbs and mixture these days, and to a large extent, I would say the period has led to some forms of healthy eating and watch on my part. How about you? Plus how are you coping in this period?

There is this viral video about the pineapple by a Pharmacist that goes by the name Bunmi Olatunji (realtalkwithbunmi on IG) which I find helpful in addition to taking herbs (consisting of turmeric, garlic, ginger, and culi pepper; then boiled onion, lemon and honey). You can watch it here.

As well, in as much as this season is full of many articles, views, theories and conspiracies, I would want to admonish us to try our best to stay out of negative news. Yes, I know it is hard, people are dying everyday, literally 'left, right and center', making it a bit hard to focus, but how about making our sanity a priority in this period?

As said, no doubt this period comes with its own challenge, I try to do my best to help my sanity, because in the end, the state our sanity and heart controls all we do. When things get a bit over the top, I switch off my phone to seek peace. I also read books (even though i'm trying to increase the pace), listen to helpful videos/audios, and the likes.

One major thing I want to do in this season is to use it to resolve my growing internal issues, so I can feel refreshed, and able to pursue the extent of productivity I desire.

How about you? How are you managing the Covid-19 period? Would love to know.

Let's all keep safe and hopeful in this period. Much love people.

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Connect with me on social media via-
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LinkedIn:    Eniola Olaosebikan

Wednesday 1 April 2020

Can This Be The Reason Why No Prophet Is Speaking In Such A Time As This?

A happy new month to us. How have we been? Trust we're good?

For people that naturally work from home, the lock down might not necessarily be a new thing as it were, and as well for introverts. But for people who are purely extroverts, and people used to going to work every morning, it might move from being a new thing, to a very strange thing. But then, either category we find ourselves, I would admonish us to keep faith, and perhaps limit the negative news we hear, and see all around us.

For all it counts, for some of us, it might be a time to start again. A time of reflection. As well, April being the start of a new quarter, we might want to look back to see how much we've done with our dreams. If little, we might want to pinpoint the reason we've done so little and put measures in place to make the second quarter a much greater and fulfilling experience.

As well, for people who find it hard to rest due to high extroversion, or the pressure at work, you might try your best to use this time to rest and recoup strength, as everything made by nature always needs renewal at some point. Who knows? This might sadly be the earth renewing itself in some sense.

As a result of my thought over the week, I wrote a poem (more like a food for thought). Here:

Here we are

The world is silent
All we hear are crickets
Where are the prophets?

The world is dark
A little pure light would see a thousand miles
Where are the lights of the world?

Creatures are groaning
A pathway has been made for the Saviour
Who would proclaim salvation?


A prayer for those who die lone
Warmth for those on the sick bed- all alone
This plague, like the strong wind that parted the red sea
Makes plain the ground humanity's soul thrives on

Love. Warmth.
A hand shake here, a hug there.

The seemingly little things we cherish not
Makes the world go round
For man without a neighbor (to love, or loved by)
Is like dead flesh that rots away in the grave.

Our touches matter
Our smiles, our hearts.

But now, we need our Creator's touch
For only a mother's love
Can nurse to life, a sickly baby
After all said and done.

III (Prayer)

As the earth heals itself from our corrupt touches (air pollution and all)
Heal us Lord-
Earth's Inhabitants,
Your church on earth
And our bodies.
Let everything together be renewed
So when this is over
And the earth sadly has sloughed,
Let there be life. Let there be vibrance
Let our hearts all be renewed. Our smiles, our touches:
A new earth we pray
(Or do You have rapture in mind to create a new earth?)

In the meantime
Save us oh Lord.

A completion of the thought might be the fact that in the Old testament, when things like this happen and nations inquire of God, He sends a prophet to give a word, and sometimes solution. These solutions most times defy science (as in the case where a snake was hung and all who looked at the snake were healed, or as well, the time Moses was meant to keep his hand lifted up so the nation of Israel could win their battle at the time. Numbers 21 and Exodus 17). 

But then, a look through the new testament, I have not necessarily seen a place where a prophet was raised to speak to the nations (except for evangelism). Meaning, in an era like this (new testament era), the solution lies on the leading of the Holy Spirit within us, and not necessarily a unifying prophet. This solution may vary based on assignment, location, and other factors.

I guess these are the times God would instruct households specifically on what to do. He may also instruct churches individually as well. I guess Jesus was/is the last general prophet sent to the world, unlike the days of the Old testament. Perhaps it is why men we look up to as revered servants of God has nothing to say at this moment (?). 

Whichever way, I guess it's time for us to individually press in and hear what God would like to say to us. Time to take heed the words He's been speaking, but we've been ignoring. Time to make a change for good. Time to be better. Indeed, a time for renewal. So, as the prayer part of the poem goes, I pray we all (the earth inclusive) find ourselves renewed by the time this is over. Healing as a matter of fact is taking place, if only we can key in into the season. Most likely in this lockdown, we all are learning to appreciate each other, as well, pay attention to what really matters. Parents are appreciating teachers,  promiscous spouses are learning the importance of family and vowing to cling to their families; and as well, humanity as a whole is appreciating health workers- those who put their own lives at risk to make sure a chunk of humanity stays safe.

An effective prayer to pray in this season would be for God to open our inner eyes, our ears, as well as our hearts. Only instruction(s) would keep us safe/healed at this moment. With respect to Moses and the snake incidence, those who were plagued got their healing based on instruction. And those who were not plagued got immuned via intercession (for it was after people died that they lifted up their voices to God. As a result of the act, those who were not plagued were kept safe, and those who were already affected got their healing as soon as the snake was put up, and they as well, looked up). 

Till I come your way next week by His Grace, keep being in God's Presence. Only with Him lies all the safety.

N. B- This is my thought. Other thoughts are much welcome.

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