Wednesday 15 April 2020

Dividends Of Proximity- Who Are You Close To?

We once lived in an apartment where the neighbour next door to us is a broadcaster. She read news at the state’s Television, as well as anchored programs and events, off and on TV. My mum on the other hand happened to be a medical doctor. She most likely would never have thought of being on a TV show, most likely because of her time, and interest at the time. But then, our neighbour being a journalist as it were, invited my mum to a segment on her show where they talked about health and surrounding issues.

Most likely if we never lived in that house, such offer would never have come for my mum, for she was only a regular doctor doing her thing, besides some other religious activities she was involved in. But then, the fact that she lived in the vicinity of someone who worked back then on TV made her have access to TV in that sense.

We are humans. And as humans, we are all God’s kids (as far as creation is concerned). There are some natural favour that flows from being God’s children, especially for the fact that He is our Maker, and He crafted each and every one of us with His very Hands. However, there are other favours that would flow towards us because we happen to be in a close relationship with Him; favours that most likely wouldn’t have come our way had we stayed far.

As a result, I would love to encourage us to stay close to our Maker. Not only for floods of favour, but as well for intimacy. The intimacy of having a conscious father-daughter relationship (or Father-son as the case may be). The love flows better, and we feel it more closely when we are in a close proximity with the Father, unlike when we are far. And besides, for every problem we come across in life, there would be a straightforward relief and comfort because we know that through the love of the Father whom we know so intimately, all would be well.

Jesus being the only way to the Father, inviting Him into our lives makes the connection possible and so real. So just incase you are not sure you have Jesus (who is no doubt the connecting link- the only one at that), it would be nice to say this sentence: Dear Heavenly Father, I crown You the Lord of my life. Come into my heart Jesus, and teach me all your ways, in Jesus name- Amen - There you go! (If already you’ve not made God a part of your life). And if you already have, it might be time to take the plunge and go a little deeper, till all you hear are giggles, and all you see, is peace.

Till I come your way next week, keep being so loving, and no doubt, say me well to our Father in Heaven, cos He is my Father too!

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  1. Thanks for this reminder. The blog post reminds of that part in John when Jesus said " without me, you can do nothing" . Our life will be a whole lot easier if we are closer to our maker. Jesus modelled that example when he would withdraw from the crowd to a solitary place to just be with the father. Little wonder his disciples said to him " All men seek thee " . One of the dividends of constant communion with the father is access to solutions and insights like never before.

    I am guilty forgetting at times who my father is; I run after men to be able to meet my daily needs. When I come to the end of myself with everything futile then I remember he said " seek the kingdom first and all other things will be added.

    I pray for grace to walk with my maker and not chase the fringe benefits or better put "not major in the minor"

    Thanks for this blog post, it is quite mind stirring and I hope that I will respond to this reminder you have brought my way today.

    1. Preach sis! John 15 has been my mantra more than ever in this season, and no doubt would keep being my mantra.

      Sometimes back, I realized that my productivity had gone so low. The answer wasn't far fetched- I'd become a branch unattached to the Vine, according to John 15.

      Finding my way back to God, especially in low moments always prove to an awesome decision. Gaining back the smiles, the giggles and peace He gives is incomparable, as well as priceless.

      Thank you once more sis for your rousing addition.

  2. Thank you very much ma. Sincerely we need such reminder.

    1. A pleasure sis. Thank you for being a great encouragement. I appreciate you real good. We should have you on the blog one of these days❤️❤️❤️❤️

  3. Amen. Thank you for the timely information.
