Wednesday 13 March 2019

I Am Single And I Am An Introvert

Once at some points in my life, for some reasons, I always found myself indoor and I thought I loved it until somebody came into my life that constantly tripped me out and I realized that I love going out after all. With his invite to go out constantly, I felt like a baby again- eager to go out as though being at home as it were was prison. No sooner than I met this guy, our trips for some reasons began tending towards nights. A night, two nights, a few more nights and I found myself not only liking him but sleeping with him.

Those were the words of Tolu, my friend who urged me to use her story without me even asking, so others can read and make necessary adjustments.

Tolu and I being intimate friends, when we traced the root of all that happened, we discovered that unlike before when she would stay at home and be cool, she was staying at home, doing all that she normally would do (reading, movies, sometimes sleeping) but was no longer cool. Yes, she was working, but her journey like most introverts ended up being triangular as it were- home to work, work to church, and back to base- home. As a result, she was tired of living such life without her really knowing how tired she was until the guy in question strolled into her life like a relieve. 

Another reason why she fell that flat was because she never went out. No girls’ time out or even a stroll out with a friend. All she did was work, work, work, and home, home, home. No form of balance as it were, so when the guy came into the picture, he easily became her vent because at the time he came, she had become so full, even beyond she realized.

As a result, I would love to urge us singles that are introverts to go out, have fun and have a balanced life. Have friends you are comfortable with (basically same sex friends) that brings out the fun side of you, so easily you would have a vent and you would not be full to the point that just anybody that comes after a while sweeps you off your feet and the unimaginables begin to happen. Motives are different and these days, things happen fast, even before we realize what is happening. So, please, go out, have fun and be merry all you can with people you love and trust.
Till I come your way next week Wednesday, I remain your loyal friend, blog host, sharer and at the same time- co learner. Feel free to hit me up on my social media handles and of course slide into my DM when there is a need. Love you guys. Hugs.

Photo Credit: Google Image

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Twitter:     TheEniolaO
LinkedIn: Eniola Olaosebikan


  1. This is so true love, many single ladies are in a cocoon rather than have fun times as single

  2. Hey! The suspense in the first paragraph is intriguing. Well done Ma. You are right, its important we have a balance work-life. Dig deep into yourself and discover what works for you and what excites you. Have leant to complete myself not with people but with other things the Mother Nature has to offer. I'm always amazed by deep knowledge I get from my flowers, pet, the clouds and other natural things even as little as the ants can teach. When you make other people to complete you or when you make people your source of happiness, you end up been more vulnerable when they leave. Famous actor Will Smith said: '' You cannot make a person. I thought that was a real deep idea. You can make a person smile. You can make a person feel good. You can make a person laugh. But, whether or not a person is happy is deeply and totally and ulterly out of your control''. We are all unique in our special ways, i want to be the best version of myself. Just has Eniola stated earlier, associate with people that appreciate your uniqueness but never base your happiness on their existence or non existence.

    Thanks for your time and have a good day!

    1. You're so right. Thank you for the wonderful comment.

      Do have a great day too, most especially a lovely week (ahead).

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thank you for this post Eniola. If there is one thing I am determined to do this year, its to never walk alone and have a good work-life balance.

    1. You can say that again. My goal as well. God help us all.
      Thank you for the comment.

  5. Great piece...Was expecting more though

    1. Thanks Pamela.I know right- @expecting more. There are so many angles to the topic...had to focus on just a side to avoid a long read...
      Thanks for reading, and for being a great friend of the blog; you are appreciated.
