Wednesday 20 March 2019

One Way To Live Forever

Going by the title of this article, I wish I can start by saying scientists found one particular regimen that could make people live forever without seeing a bit of death, but no, this article isn’t about such inasmuch as I would have loved it to be.

So if scientists are yet to find such way and this article is about ‘one way to live forever’, what indeed is this one way? Before I answer the question, I would like to ask some (funny appearing) questions, so, here we go:

Martin Luther King, is he alive or dead? Nelson Mandela- alive or dead? Albert Einstein, Aristotle, Plato, Helen Keller, Marie Curie, Rosa Parks, Michael Jackson, Williams Shakespeare, Winston Churchill… all dead or alive? If your answer is as good as mine, then how come their name still gets mentioned as though they are still alive and they have gone nowhere beyond us? Why do people still talk about them, sometimes with happiness and motivation? Since life as we all know is transient, shouldn’t people just die and everything about them cease to exist?

Why are all these men/women dead, but still seem alive? Yeah, your guess is as good as mine- the works of their hands/what they spent their time doing while they were on earth, as well as the amount of time they invested into the things they believed in, such that they never quit and in the end- changed the world in some ways and made the world a better place.
As a result, one way to live forever is to through our existence in our own little way, make the world a better place. When you are useful to the world, both your generation and the ones after yours would never forget you, for the battles you fought as in the case of Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela, or sometimes for the invention you made, all which made the world a better place.
If life were a bed of rose, then there would be no need to fight in the first place, but because life as we all know is never a bed of rose, these men/women are celebrated as ‘gods’/exceptions, because they came, saw and conquered. Just like you and I, they had reasons to be depressed for a long time, reasons to quit after long trials, but they never did, because they saw victory ahead, and allowed the victory they saw be their constant hope even in the face of danger and seeming hopelessness.
If we must live forever-in people’s hearts and the world’s heart at large, we must seek to tread the path very few treads and as a result, live for a purpose greater than ourselves, either through kindness as in the case of Mother Theresa, Inventions as in the case of Wright brothers, or whatever means beneficial to the world and fulfilling to us.

A billion people and more come to the earth, very few are remembered in the end, and these few people in the end, live forever. The choice is yours, and mine as well- to follow the path laid in front of us, not because we want/seek to be remembered for the fun of it, but because in the end, the world seeing the uniqueness of what we have done (such that only us can do), would have no choice but to remember us, unconsciously immortalizing our names in the process. 

So if you want to live for long, and as a matter of fact- live forever, role up your sleeves and not only work, but be intentional about the things you do on earth while you still have the time.

Much love.

Photo Credit: Google Image

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  1. Well articulated thoughts Eniola. The late Myles Munroe wrote something so thought provoking he said and I quote "If there were no tombstones, we will not remember that some people ever lived"

    This is a wake up call for everyone to live full and die empty so that posterity will not fail to remember us.

    1. Thank you 'Teju. Thank you for that great and so true quote. May we die empty to the glory of our Creator and the usefulness of mankind.

  2. Water dissolve the paint print and air blows away the foot print but the mind print are never washed as they are revealed only in words and deeds; recognised in character and attitude and remembered in history as long lived .
    By Adebanke Adeniran

    1. Wow! Great quote! So true! Thank you. A pleasure to have you on the blog.

  3. Thanks for this great piece. I can't but to access myself, I realize I still have a long way to go. Let me share something personal with us, I saw in a revelation just few days ago, white envelops, lots of them on the ground...they were so so much. And the voice beside me said "those are untap dreams'', I felt bad when I woke up not because of what I saw but because I didn't ask questions. Then HE dropped in my heart the story of dry bones living again. Friends, its never too late to tap into our special gifts. Don't procrastinate. DISCOVER THE SPECIAL TALENT. TAKE A STEP, FOLLOWED BY ANOTHER, FOLLOWED BY ANOTHER...RECORD THE PRINCIPLES OF LIFE YOU LEARNT ON YOUR WAY, WRITE THEM ON A TEMPLATE SO THAT AN HERALD(YOUR FOLLOWERS) CAN RUN WITH IT, THIS PRINCIPLES BECOMES A LEGACY PASSED ON EVEN TO GENERATIONS TO COME.

    Thanks Eniola for this insightful message.
    Its deep.
    More grace, much love.

    1. Wow wow wow. You never fail to amaze us all on this blog. Thank you for your helpful comments!
      May we all die empty!
