Wednesday 17 April 2019

Help Lord! I Need An Upgrade!!! (2)

Two weeks ago, we started a talk about upgrades and all. This week, we will have the concluding part.
Going by the previous article, our need to upgrade per time was made obvious. As a matter of fact, one of the reasons why we sometimes appear all crammed up and confused is because we have a lot on our mind/head- things we need to let go in preparation for a better and brighter version of ourselves that in some ways we are still holding on to.

To provide answers to the question we closed with in the previous part, one of the ways I would say makes effective upgrade/growth possible is self-awareness. This is because a self-aware individual is always in touch with his/herself and as a matter of fact, knows when to change/move from one level to another. Such individual knows how to upgrade either based on need, personal observation, external corrections, knowledge gained and applied and the likes, because he/she is constantly in touch with his/her being.

Asides self-awareness which in my opinion is vital, one other efficient way I would say makes upgrade possible is spending time in the Presence of the One who made us- God. Why? Because He made us and as a result, knows the areas where we are deficient and at that, needs upgrade per time. As our bona fide Maker, He knows exactly the buttons to touch and what to pull to make us have access to needed upgrades per time. 

God’s Presence with regards to our upgrade can be likened to the presence of Wi-Fi in our locations. For the software on our phones to get updated per time, it has to be close to an internet connection- say a Wi-Fi. Proximity to a Wi-Fi source makes the update possible, and most times when our software gets upgraded, our phones in most cases performs better. The same can be said of us. To grow as a human (a product made by God), we must stay close to Him per time. What happens when our phone becomes too full to accommodate an upgrade despite the availability of a Wi-Fi? Does the upgrade go through still? I’m afraid no.
To get ourselves automatically upgraded in the presence of our Maker, what are the things we must do? We must acknowledge Him by reading/spending adequate time with His Word- The Holy Book (which happens to be our operating manual as human beings), and also by soaking ourselves in an atmosphere of (Spirit and truth) worship, as well as daily communing with Him through the habit of prayer. When we do all these constantly, our souls gets updated (renewed) per time and becoming a better human becomes inevitable. 

When we get better per time in our being, we increase our capacity to love and to be loved. Our kindness level shoots up, and so does our compassion level. We grow by developing the fruits of the Spirit, against which the Bible says there is no law (see Galatians 5:22-23). Growth in the spirit in addition to constant learning and experience would sure not leave us in a redundant place.

In the process of us being upgraded as well, our struggles fall off. Issues such as anger, childishness, erratic behavior, malice and all becomes a thing of the past. Through the upgrade and the fall offs, we are made to serve the world better, especially our spouses and neighbours, knowing fully well that a healthy marriage/life is all about service- service to one another in love. In all, having an upgrade per time prevents us from being easily overwhelmed by circumstances, events and happenings.

Till I come your way again, I do hope you have a nice day even as we all grow in the love, knowledge and truth of God and our lives like Proverbs 4:18 begins to glow, and glow, unto the perfect day. *hugs*

Photo Credit: Google Photos

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Facebook:   Eniola Olaosebikan
Instagram: cream_legend
Twitter:     TheEniolaO
LinkedIn: Eniola Olaosebikan


  1. This week's version is superb and a navigator, thank you for making yourself avail for God's revelation. I pray to God to give me the grace to stay always in His presence. Thank you, Ma.

    1. Amen. I pray He gives us all the Grace to stay in His Presence always. Thank you for being an awesome contributor on the blog.
