Wednesday 24 April 2019

The Danger In Desiring Exactly What Your Friend Has

A man I regard once talked about having a healthy form of jealousy- a jealousy in which we see what someone is doing that we like, and instead of reacting with a negative emotion to the phenomenon, we allow the act to stir us as wholly and positively as possible into doing the same thing as well.  
In as much as I agree with his philosophy based on some religious grounds, I feel that in trying to have what our friend/people around us have, to an extent, we have to be willing to open our eyes into what it might entail. What do I mean?
Let’s say someone named Tola just opened her shop and you indeed love the idea that she has a shop because it’s been a part of your dream/desire all along, you have to be careful how you pursue yours so while in the process of pursuit, you do not fall into wrong hands and act.
In other words, never be so consumed to succeed like your friend to the extent that you close your eyes to possible areas of error while in pursuit. The fact that you see your friend do it so easily and effortlessly does not mean it is that way, for the things which in most cases serve as the basis of a thing are often unseen. You never see the foundation of a well-built mansion, but the fact that you can’t see does not mean it does not exist.
As ladies, we have to be very careful the things we desire of our friends. Don’t get me wrong, like the man I started with said, it’s never a bad thing to see what our friends/people around us are doing and get encouraged to do either exactly the same, or greater; but we must never go into the pursuit of such thing with a blind eye. We must open our eyes with wisdom to see hidden errors that can happen along the line; especially such that could shock us that we never envisaged.
In essence and conclusively, always go into things (especially things you know nothing of its foundation) with an open mind to learn, and an open eye to see, not necessarily based on the experience of your friend you know nothing about its foundation. For all there is, the foundation of that thing you so desire might be laid with some kind of stone that is costly to you, but permissible/usual for your friend without your own knowledge.
In other words, even though you are encouraged by the things your friend seems to be doing, you have to be able to open your eyes wide in pursuing the same thing she has that you desire, so you do not get carried away by the ‘flood’ in the terrain which you can’t see from afar, as opposed to just the seeming beauty of it (which is all you see). 
Much love. 

Photo Credit: Google Photos

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