Wednesday 10 April 2019

The Story Behind The Book- My Grandma’s Story, And The Lessons Learnt

You never know how much wealth you have until you are either in trouble or right in the midst of a notable achievement and the people around you stand up for you. I almost have never been overwhelmed all my life like this season I’m in. I’m awed by the support of loved ones and friends with regards to the above book just released. The support in diverse ways are overwhelming. I feel the love of family, the love of friends in every way, and now- the support of you my readers on the blog. As a result, I have decided to share the journey to the book to encourage us all in our journey through life and destiny.

I never knew I would write a book for children. Yes, I’ve been so concerned about the minds of children- what goes into their mind especially in an age like this where education, and to an extent moral, is gradually being replaced by entertainment and likeability as opposed to appropriate discipline and training. But then, some weeks ago, an opportunity came up and in the space of one month or perhaps less, ‘my grandma’s story’ was birthed.
The birth/release of this book has taught me quite a number of things about life, as well as reinforced some things I know. I have come to discover more than ever that flexibility is key in life. Like I said on the radio interview I went for yesterday (thanks to Melony show WFM 91.7, Lagos Nigeria), flexibility will make one succeed greatly in life. All I had in mind was a book for women which was almost ready for print, but then, somewhere along the line, the children book came up and through Grace and yieldedness, the book became a reality.
A chunk of the story (my grandma’s story) was written last year April- a period where I was fresh out of corporate employment. I never knew the story would translate into what it is today. I had written it for a different purpose, but as God would have it, a year after, a greater purpose was unveiled.

Based on the pressure and trial that produced the book, as strange as it sounds, I would like to admonish us all to give up our personal dreams and take on God’s own dream and vision for our lives. Like I was telling my friend after the show yesterday, I never knew I would be a children literature writer(!). I had plans that appeared far greater in mind, especially as a writer, but as God would have it, turns out His ways are higher than ours.

To someone reading (and myself as well over and over again), I would say be open and yielded to the things God has in store for you. Yes, I’m still struggling to accept the reality of this path I have found myself on, but I’m learning through Grace to lean back, work at it all I can and watch things unfold as God would have them. Life is never a straight line, it’s full of curves and bends that in the end lands us on unexpected but favourable ends like it sometimes happen in the game ‘snakes and ladder’, such that the ‘dice number’ we think has nothing for us ends up holding everything we need in the race to succeed. When we Surrender fully to His will, our true lives begin.

N.B: To get a copy of ‘My Grandma’s Story’ within Lagos Nigeria, kindly send a text to 08032320466 and details of how to get the book will be sent to you. Hardcover version of the book is available in Nigeria for a token of N2,000 with free delivery within Lagos. For readers outside Nigeria, the book is available on Amazon- in kindle and paperback form. Easter and children’s day is around the corner, would go a long way grabbing your copies for your children, nieces, nephews and other precious children around you. 
Much love.

Connect with me on social media
Facebook:   Eniola Olaosebikan
Instagram: cream_legend
Twitter:     TheEniolaO
LinkedIn: Eniola Olaosebikan


  1. Can't wait to go through it Ma. Well done. May God empower you more and more for His greater works. Amen.
