Wednesday 3 April 2019

Help Lord! I Need An Upgrade!!!

Welcome to another episode of our learning and growing together.
Before I go into today’s topic, I must indeed appreciate everyone who shares articles posted on this forum, as well as comment either on the blog itself or on social media pages. It's such a huge pleasure to see the articles bless us all (myself inclusive), as well as see comments that further drives home the message contained in each article in different forms, such that benefits not only the reader, but also the writer as no one has the monopoly of knowledge. 
In today’s article, we are going to be exploring one likely reason why people do not easily associate freely with us.
Why the title of this article? It is because I have realized that over time, for a product to be effective through the ages, it must be updated per time. Give me an app or a product that has been in existence for so long without being updated and I will show you an app or product that is out of date. In essence, everything we use on earth sure needs an upgrade for it to be able to perform and meet the demand of the time for which it is expected to function in (especially without getting overwhelmed).
So my question is- if every app and product needs upgrade per time, how about human beings? Should we as human beings continue in our old known way and expect a ‘user friendly’ outcome? I guess no. Imagine if you had a cousin and the same way she’s been acting since she was 12 is still the same way she is acting now, how would it feel? Awkward right? I’m sure the revelation too would be a burden to her parents if it happens to be so. So, if it does not appear permissible for your cousin to be the same through the ages, do you think it would be permissible for you as well? If your answer is no, how then do we upgrade as human beings? 
One natural and unarguable way we upgrade is through age. Age makes some behaviours inappropriate for us, just like the cloths we wear at some times becomes inappropriate due to either age itself, or our growth rate (in other words- our height). In addition to age, I would say experience upgrades us too in some ways. It opens us up to the realities of the world we live in and then expand our minds to make room for such realities.
Aside age and experience, what else can be said to ‘update’ humans? Did I hear you say reading and learning? Yes you’re right- reading and learning. Reading makes us more aware and learning adds experience to us. We can also grow by observation. Observing people’s experiences and learning one or two things from it.
But then away from age, experience, reading, studying and general observation, what else can be said to grow us?
We’ll continue from here next week Wednesday. Much love peeps. *hugs*

Photo Credit: Google Photos

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Facebook:   Eniola Olaosebikan
Instagram: cream_legend
Twitter:     TheEniolaO
LinkedIn: Eniola Olaosebikan


  1. Thanks Eniola for the great article. Your points are genuine.
    Just as you have asked in the article, I will like to add 3 more points:
    1. FAILURE: When we view setbacks with an eagle and optimistic eye, we realize that Failure Is one of the fundamental elements of success and hence helps us help us grow.

    2. GOOD FRIENDS: Proverbs 27:17: “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” This implies that good and passionate friends(like you Eniola) helps us grow by encouraging us, challenging us, supporting us, and exposing weaknesses in us.

    3. RISK: Risk helps us grow. We don’t grow through comfort and convenience, but through risk.

    We have more factors that helps us grow and I look forward to reading more comments, likewise the next edition of this article.

    Thanks all. Its a pleasure to be on this blog.

  2. So true. Thank you Bayo for your invaluable comment. The blog appreciates you.
