Wednesday 7 August 2019

Birthdays And Reflections

It’s my birthday today and I seem to be full of many things. I am full of gratitude, lessons and reflections. One thing though that I am not full of, or even considering is- regret. Because I have come to a place in my life where I’ve learnt to forgive and pardon myself for every experience that should have led to a form of regret. This I do because there is indeed a limit to what one can do with negative emotions inside of one. 
So, what have I learnt in the course of the past year? I have learnt patience, and timing. I have learnt that nothing can be forced and things happen on their own accord. I have come to realize that moments in life are seeds in the ground, they grow out when their season comes. Just like a mango seed can be in the ground all along and not grow till its season comes, our joys too sometimes could lie in the ground in the form of a seed, waiting for our season to come so it can blossom and become visible for all to see. Life has taught me beyond words, that patience is a virtue. I have learnt to wait, especially for the great and mighty things promised, especially for the fact that I now know that great and lasting things often takes time.

Looking back now, I am happy with the woman I have become. I really have changed and this change is for the better. Looking back as well, I feel so happy knowing all that surrounds me is peace. I have no toxic relationship, nobody draining me as it were; all I see around is love, kindness, acceptance and graciousness. 
Being the woman I am today, I can say for sure that one of the greatest gift one can give to one self as a human being is peace- peace within yourself and all around you. With peace comes clarity, focus and the desire to move oneself to the highest level of humanity possible, especially such that lies within the capacity one’s being. This season for me is a season of reflection and gratitude. I am sure not where I used to be and for that, I am very grateful. 

This straight from the heart piece would not end without me saying THANK YOU to every reader of this blog. Thank you for your love, comment, even friendship over the years. I am grateful for the community we have built over time- a community of love, honour, respect for one another, learning and openness. 

As I go along this uncharted territory, I pray God guides me, leads me and upholds me as well. I pray the same for you my esteemed readers. Thank you for staying, and standing by me all year long last season. I believe this season would be big and better as already, I have a quite exciting news about the blog I’m trying to keep under wrap, but not for long, because in due time, that which is hidden shall be revealed. *smiles*. 

Thank you once more and God bless you.

Connect with me on social media via-
Facebook:   Eniola Olaosebikan
Instagram: cream_legend
Twitter:      TheEniolaO
LinkedIn:    Eniola Olaosebikan



  1. Happy birthday to you dear Eniola. I am indeed blessed to be a part of this great community that you have created. I stumbled on one of your quotes and it aptly summarizes by thoughts to you today:
    "Reflect, Learn, Laugh,Love, Live... Life will always be a mystery. Enjoy the little you know now and be happy anyway"

    Cheers to enjoying life in this new year Hon.

    1. Thank you Adeteju. I am so blessed and happy to know you. Blessed be the day our paths crossed.

      Thank you for the birthday wishes.

  2. Happy Birthday to you my dear friend Eniola Olaosebikan, you have impacted my life in so many immeasurable way.
    One thing I so much appreciate about you is the way you calmly handle issues, you reminded me that God's plan are higher than ours and there's always a reason for everything we experience under the sun. You are truly a Soul writer because your words inspires, always on time and in sync to my life issues.I am so glad after all the years to still remain within the radial of the people you call your friends. Long life and prosperity dearie. More blessings on every side. Amen. Cheers!!!

    1. Thank you Akinbayo. Thank you for being a dependable friend. I am grateful.

  3. Happy Birthday Eniola. No pen can do justice to your narrations. #happynewyou
